Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Психодел, найденный нами в сети


  1. Translation? Context?

    That music at the end sounds like BEN. That's the third time this week I've had to clean him off this machine. How the hell is he Ubuntu-compatible?!

  2. I don't have translation or context, sorry! It was in a creepy video thread on /x/ and I thought it was perfect to post. No clue what's going on in it, either.

  3. Also, I forgot to mention this in my previous comment, but the ending music is the Happy Tree Friends theme.

  4. Title in google translate:

    Psychedelics, we have found in the network


  5. That image at the end was the only creepy thing in this.

    Also, could have sworn I saw an angry Napoleon Dynamite at one frame there.

  6. Title in google translate without the comma,

    Psychedelia found us online

  7. Title from an actual Russian speaker:

    A psychedelic, found by us in the network.

  8. You shouldn't have done that......

  9. Why does thumbnail change when I'm done watching? In beginning thumbnail was a bloody face and at the end it was a bear but how come when I refreshed the thumbnail turned into A little girl? And whatup with all the blood on the girl, hella weird Yo lol. Who's ellesar?


  11. I'm actually from Russia, and I can speak Russian. I'll try my best translating this video, but it's stupid. It's honestly a bunch of reversed nonsense.

    The title can be put into two ways:

    A psychedelic, found by us in the network.


    Psychedelia find on the web

    This is everything I understood that was in Russian and/or that I could hear in the video and what it means:

    Скоро о скоро ты баня сгоришь.Прочь я вздымаю к вершинам пилу скачет буравчик скрипит на полу о быстро глазый дядька урод скоро о скоро порву тебе рот .

    Finnish sauna, where you'll burn, stupid prince nothing you wheeze. I hate the city of Paris. Soon you soon about Bath sgorish.Proch I saw billowing to the top rides gimlet squeaks on the floor of the rapidly eyed guy freak soon about soon tear your mouth.

    Hope this helps!
