OP is not a faggot.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Midnight Game INSTRUCTIONS

"The Midnight Game" is an old pagan ritual used mainly as punishment for those who have broken the laws of a pagan religion.

While it is mainly used as a scare tactic to not disobey the gods, there is still a very real chance of death to those who play the Midnight Game. There's an even higher chance of permanent mental scarring. It is highly recommended that you DO NOT play the Midnight Game.

However, for those few thrill seekers searching for a rush or those delving into obscure occult rituals, these are the simple instructions on how to play. Do so at your own risk.


PREREQUISITES: It must be exactly 12:00AM when you begin performing the ritual, otherwise it will not work. The materials required include a candle, a wooden door, at least one drop of your own blood, a piece of paper, matches or a lighter, and salt. If you are playing with multiple people, they will all need their own of the aforementioned materials and will have to perform the steps below separately.

  1. Write your full name (first, middle, and last) on a piece of paper and put at least one drop of blood on the same paper. Allow it to soak in.
  2. Turn off all the lights in the house. Go to your door and place the paper with your name in front of it. Take the candle and light it. Afterward, place the candle on top of the paper with your name.
  3. Knock on your own door 22 times (the hour MUST be 12:00AM upon the final knock), then open the door, blow out the candle, and close the door. You have just allowed the "Midnight Man" into your home.
  4. Immediately relight your candle.

This is where the game begins. You must now lurk around your completely dark house with the lit candle in hand. Your goal is to avoid the Midnight Man at all costs until exactly 3:33AM.

Should your candle ever go out, it is because the Midnight Man is near you. You must relight your candle within the next ten seconds. If you are unsuccessful in relighting the candle, you must immediately surround yourself with a circle of salt.

If you are unsuccessful in both of these, the Midnight Man will induce a hallucination of your greatest fear until 3:33AM. If you are successful in relighting the candle, you may proceed. If you are successful in creating the circle of salt, you must remain within the circle until 3:33AM.

You must continue until 3:33AM without being attacked by the Midnight Man or being trapped within the circle of salt to win the Midnight Game. The Midnight Man will leave at 3:33AM and you will be safe to proceed with your morning.

Staying in one spot the entire game will only result in the Midnight Man finding you. It is highly advised you continue moving throughout the game.

  • DO NOT turn on any lights during the Midnight Game.
  • DO NOT use a flashlight during the Midnight Game.
  • DO NOT go to sleep during the Midnight Game.
  • DO NOT use another person's blood on your name.
  • DO NOT use a lighter to substitute for a candle. It will not work.
  • DEFINITELY DO NOT attempt to provoke the Midnight Man in ANY WAY.

That is all. Have fun.


  1. What happens if you stay in the circle until 3:33?

  2. it ends, he disappears, also start at 12 end at 12 funny how knocks work

  3. What if I used someone else who is deads blood?Or what if I start yelling"Hey!Midnight Bitch!"

  4. Nothing happens, but its still creepy as fuck, strange how the night can make you scared

  5. what's gonna happen if i said come here you asshole?

  6. Freaks me out just reading it o_O

  7. What happens if you turn on a light???

  8. he fucks you in the eye so you cant see =)

  9. im so going to do this

  10. If im playing this with friends and i see there candle go out.
    am i able to watch him attack them or is it just them hallucinating?

  11. Am I a homosexual if I play this alone?

    1. I think you might be but its alright

  12. "It must be exactly 12:00 AM when you begin performing the ritual, otherwise it will not work" and " Knock on your own door 22 times (The hour MUST be 12:00 AM upon the final knock)"
    thats alot to do in only 60seconds o.O

  13. @Anonymous 2:30


  14. I played this game a few nights ago and 20 minutes into it, the midnight man found me, pulled down my pants, ate out my asshole, and then preceded to steal my xbox. I'm now realizing that it wasn't the midnight man...it was a burglar. FML

  15. Can we use a lighter to light up the candle ?

  16. Don't worry guys the midnight man just likes to party. OH YEEEEEEAH

  17. i am going to let him into my home, then turn the lights on and start partying (booze, yayo, E, etc etc) see what happens

  18. OML
    @Anon 4:16

  19. i played this once with my friend . Real scary night the midnight man is like some guy that makes you and only you see your greatest fears its kind of strange you know him by the dark lines that covers his body and the strange wispering almost got caught maneged to make a salt circle stayd there for 2 hours when i found my friend a little wet in his pants real scary night and im russian not very good in english

  20. omfg, seems this is real. I still doubt, midnight man can kill you?

  21. This should totally be made into a movie

    1. Me, and a bunch of friends are making a movie about it. It's going to be online when its done.

  22. It says don't turn on any lights..would that include cell phone lights to check the time or would you have to look at a digital clock to know when it's 12 or 3:33?
    And also, are you allowed to speak during this game? Like, to other players?

  23. This is actually quite good. There always are those tiny 'what if it were real's that keep me from doing shit like this - but I am always very tempted to try it out.

  24. You people would be pretty stupid to play with black magic. I hope you enjoy inviting demons into your homes.

    1. Black magic.. Paganism isn't satanism. smh.

  25. what if you have a super long name?... to complete all of that in 60 seconds is asking for a butt tonne

  26. What if you light a blunt instead of a candle?

  27. What happens if i wear a condom while playing? will it protect me?

  28. omg i played this and my sister tripped me and i started screaming and my bff called the police cause she was next door talking it was so scary.

  29. this game seriously reminds me of amnesia
    anyone else get that?

  30. I was playing the game and I was running around the house with my older brother I we tripped and the candle blew and I started to scream and my older brother threw salt on my face

  31. @ anonymous 3.38

    it seems EXACTLY like amnesia! i was taking a break from it when i found this page :P

  32. what is the history of the midnight man????

  33. Just made a movie about it....wanna watch? really I did with my classmates...

  34. So I have to write my name on a sheet of paper, Prick my finger and smear blood, light a candle, knock on the door 22 times, open it, blow out the candle, shut the door, and relight the candle... All within a minute?

  35. That sounds about right

  36. Here is the plan guys.. we play this game but instead of playing it we beat people up at the beach.

  37. ahahaha....ahh i love the internet

  38. i tried this game and ive done many stupid things but notthing like this nd i cant even sleep or anything and i sm terrified of the dark dont fucking do it

  39. oh god I am crying at all the comments on this. so fucking funny.

  40. I'm making a movie out of this, March 13, 2011 11:05 PM

  41. How the heck can you do all those things within one minute?

  42. lol, I'm gonna try this, bu i'm gonna turn on the light spray him with mace knock him out then t-ba...... I mean hide him in my closet the scare the shit out of my brother

  43. I almost pissed in my pants so much that I laughted from the comments. This game scared the shit out of me. I really want to play it but it's too dangerous and my house isn't a very good place to run around trying to hide from some scary ghosts and I would probably end trapped with my friends so I think I should just call John Constantine to play with me =D

  44. Guys you dont do it all in one minute , you have to do it Withing the hour! (Thats means you have to do it between 12:00 to 12:59.)

  45. i should play this game with rambo

  46. Bress wtf happens if you chicken out !? Im pretty damn scared of the dark!

  47. so I knock on the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur.

  48. lol these comments r the best i want to play this but like some other people said there is always that "what if it's real" factor.

  49. I did it and midnight man tried to rape me

  50. I did it he caught me, coincidentally my fear was being raped by the midnight man

  51. So I was playing the game alone because none of my friends wanted to come over to my house to watch me wander around the house bleeding in the dark with nothing but a candle. I had but back the wax of my candle just a tad so that it wouldn't burn out or anything as the 2 o'clock milestone came near. It was so cold in my little apartment room and All of the suspense made me extremely horny. I then proceeded to lay down on the ground, placing the candle next to me, and started fapping away in the wee hours of the night hoping that releasing some Endorphin would give me the courage to carry on with the game. As I began to feel the onset of my climax I heard the door swing open and I turned my head slightly to meet eyes with a figure floating in the dim light of the moon. I knew it was him. The Midnight Man. I pivoted my head all the way around and looked him in the eye and blew my load all over the candle. At that point it was just him and I, eyes locked in the darkness. What he then told me I will remember for the rest of my life.. "Where can a nigguh get some Totino's Pizza Rolls in this broke ass town?

  52. Best comments ever. I'm going to try this.

  53. What happens if Chuck Norris plays the midnight game?

  54. P.S This is asking for a homoerotic fanfiction.

  55. to the one above me. yea there are 3 of us and only 2 are playing.... my dear friends i do believe yer are fucked :D still love ya

  56. Anon 11:33 goes hard in the muthafuckin paint. LOL and Anon 10:07 i died laughing hahaha

  57. ohhh shit you bitches is cuuurazyy, lettin some spooky ole' ghosty come in yo house and steal all yo' socks?! I'll pass.

  58. So me and my sister were playing this game and it got ice cold. The marrow in our bones were chilled and all of a sudden the bathroom door opened, I walked toward the door,opened up the toilet,and took a shit.

  59. I was playing this game when suddendly the midnight man appeared in front of me singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" and dancing like Rick Astley. That was some crazy shit, man.

  60. I did this however due to the fact I'am devoid of any fear the midnight man didn't appear, i provoked him stood still blew out the candle and waved a flash light while wearing a hat funnily whilst howling like a monkey. Consequently I got a fine for noise related discrepancies thanks midnight fag

  61. this was the most disappointing thing ever. i thought somethen was gonna happen but not one thing. well im gonna go kill myself bye

  62. chuck norris doesnt play games he's the one that appears when the midnight man plays

  63. OMG, so many fucking hilarious comments !! I'm gonna try this tonight ! Well, if he's blowing out my candle, I'll take my deodorant spray and a lighter and do a fucking flame thrower.

  64. I played this game once. Except it involved dolls filled with rice and wrapped in string and something about bathtubs.

    1. i think youre thinking of "one man hide and go seek"

  65. does the Midnight Man know how to party, because ill just do the invite thing, let him in, turn on the lights make a mix drink, and say "Room for one more?" is it me or do I think this is possible?

  66. It's amazing how many Anonymous comments there are on this post, but what is even more ridiculous is how stupid the questions and comments are. "Will I be a homosexual if I play this alone?" Seriously shut the fuck up and just go play the game and find out yourself, because I highly predict that what you experience will literally tear your psychosis to shreds. It is one of those games that friends play with each other usually at sleepovers.

  67. I played this game and didn't make it. So I was raped by a black man who had a huge dick but also had aids. While this all happened Midnight Man watched and then proceeded to tape it. His dark figure in the cold pitch blackness was even more chilling. Then the black man stopped and ran to Midnight Man, kissing him and both ran out the door yelling "NIGGUH IMA SELL DIS SHIIIIT" I have never ever looked a a rooster the same way again/

  68. LOL at the comments... You guys are awesome ... I really wanna try this ...

  69. So the I'm playing this with four friends, and it's about 1:15AM. I'm alone in my living room when my candle goes out. I was so fucking scared that I couldn't get the match to light, and I realize that ten seconds are definitely over, and that I only have about four seconds to make the salt circle before I'm royally fucked. Naturally, I fail to make the circle, and I look up through my tears and see an elongated shadow on the far side of the room. Then I realize that it's not a shadow, its a person, it's the Midnight Man. I started seeing my worst fear, which was my fear of being caught by the Midnight Man. Basically, he just stood there until 3:33AM. It was boring as fuck.

  70. I played this game and the midnight man appeared, so I got on my knees to beg for forgiveness, and he shoved his shadow cock in my mouth. I was there, unable to move, sucking this spooky cock, then after 20 minutes, he shoots in my mouth... it tasted like totinos pizza rolls... shit was so cash.


  72. Best comments I have ever read.

  73. Sooo... I managed to get to 3:30. Then i thought to myself 'I gotta take a shit.' So i go to the bathroom in the dark, start taking a shit, and the midnight man comes in with a video tape and takes a piss on me whilst im unable to move. He then said '' MIDNIGHT MAN AWAY'' And flew through the ceiling and crashed in the moon.

    I will never play this again.

  74. you guys know the other story ?

    if you had a shit and wiped the shit out of your ass and stop the paper in your nose and sniff 22 times till the last snif is on 2400 hours and scream your name like you have a orgasm there come 2 leprechauns and give you a double penitrasion

  75. I kind of want to play.....but I don't know if it's true or not, and also if it's summoning demons I might as well pass. it sounds soooo cool/creepy O.O and these comments are hilarious xD

  76. I didn't get the midnight man but I did get candlejack. So I decid-

  77. if chuck norris plays the midnight game the midnight man has to run from HIM! lol

  78. I played this.
    What happened:

    I was playing until like 2:30 or so then I got tired so I just put a salt circle around myself so he had to stay away while I sleep. I woke up at exactly 3:34 then I saw my friends above me in my salt circle, hiding from the guy, I threw her out of it, screamed "GET OUTTA HERE BIATCH", then she got dragged by her ankles into my closet. I never opened the door yet but ah well.

  79. Well, aru. I was with Russia and he scared me even more! But there was no Midnight Man, only Shinatty-Chan, aru! <3

  80. Good lord. This is like so summoning a demon to come into a your home, and while the comments are funny as heck, you don't wanna mess with that crap. SO if I were you I would just stick with looking at people of walmart.com to scare the shit out of me. Seriously guys, not the kind of crap you wanna mess with.

  81. @The anon who asked about the blunt: If you do that, I'd suppose the Marijuana Man would come after you and instead of hallucinations, you'd get hungry or think of some random Pink Floyd song.

  82. i was retarded enough to try it, aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, nothing happened. o__O. lol. well, it still scared the shit out of me though. xD.

  83. My friend who died yesterday tried it..... 2 days ago,my friend was shivering and he said some midnight mad man said "I'll await you tomorrow" I guess he was right... RIP:Larry

  84. Well me and my friend played this. My friend had to take a dump so she made a circle and Midnight Man was about to wet his pants so he peed on her he asked," Where is the Burger King."
    She told him and with that he left.

  85. I will invite him in then call the ghost busters Mwahah >:)

  86. Why does he leave at 3:33 AM? Does he have a curfew ? I guess the Midnight Mans mom gets pretty pissed if he comes home late .

  87. lol id make a salt circle to the frige and sofa and tv remote and play black opps the whole time

  88. Does everyone need their own door. I only have one door.

    1. my friends and I used my door, in total about 4 people to one door...freaky as shit, In my understanding of this game, he most likely can possess you or your friends to make you see anything he wants..enjoy.

  89. What happens if I make a salt circle around the house?

  90. It would not work out at my house, I have roommates and they come home at like 2:30am and so they'd come home and turn the lights on and see me running around like a crazy person. Then it would be ruined. I'd be too scared to do it anyway lol

  91. I actually tried this and when the clock said 2. i felt alot of tension on the lower half of my body and then i realized i had to take a shit. midnight man wasn't pleased

  92. I see a side-effect of playing this game is the urge to take a shit...

  93. ahahaha soo true me and y friend are laughing soo hard^^^

  94. Oh, wow. Me and my friend tried this yesterday night. Well, she died while taking a shit. How did the rest of you do it?

  95. Now thats just spooky. How're you still alive? Oh, these comments are so funny XD

  96. bahaha ash.... its cause i ddint die lol tehe

  97. omg everyone is taking a shit

  98. Previous post...
    I know, right? I wonder if it protects you or something...?

  99. "Should your candle ever go out, it is because the Midnight Man is near you. You must relight your candle within the next ten seconds. If you are unsuccessful in relighting the candle, you must immediately surround yourself with a circle of salt. If you are unsuccessful in both of these, the Midnight Man will induce a hallucination of your greatest fear until 3:33AM. If you are successful in relighting the candle, you may proceed. If you are successful in creating the circle of salt, you must remain within the circle until 3:33AM."
    So from my understanding, just start it, blow the candle out and put salt in a circle around you and win. Most likely sit on the toilet since it is a "side effect" of playing. :) Have fun WINNING LIKE CHARLIE SHEEN

  100. Playing right now. Candle seems like its gonna go out soon. Not so scar

  101. I wanna try this definitely, but I don't believe my house will ever get dark enough for it.
    Makes me sad.
    But I can make a friend do it. Make some arrangements to make it seem real, Ouija board time before hand

  102. What happens if there's more than one of you in the house, but only one of you does the ritual?

  103. I did this and was running with a candle and a bleeding finger and then my mother woke up and said ``WHAT U DOIN?``

  104. If there's multiple people playing, how can they all knock on the door at exactly 12am?

  105. I need someone to answer this ASAP! do you absolutly have to use a wooden door? what if it is a metal door??

  106. I want to know too, i'm not really sure what my door's made of ^^; Plus i live with people and have pets...will the midnight man rape em all? D:

  107. so me and my friend were playing this and around 2 he said he was tired and laied down on the couch. I said id watch him so I sat at my table put the candle down and made a ring of salt. then I looked at him his candle was out and a shape of a man was above him. he woke up and turned his head at me frozen . he was getting butt fucked and i coulde'nt do anything because i didnt wanna leave my circle and get raped to... then I needed to take a shit

  108. i played this a year ago and when midnight man came he said to me "he who laughs last dies first" to this day i haven`t laugh i can i know i can but i won`t i read these comments didn`t laugh i can control if i do or not heheheh ( fake laugh)

  109. I need to know this question ASAP. So If a bunch of ur friends are playing but u aren't and u dont do the steps, will u be safe. Im serious. I just wanna watch them with a video camera for my movie. ALSO What If ur the only girl in a group of guys?

  110. I did this, but the midnight man didn't come.
    But Slendy came...
    And Jeff the killer did too.

  111. I tried playing this game a few weekends ago and this is my story.

    Me, my brother and my best friend were chilling at my friends big ass house and were pretty bored. He mentioned something about a midnight game, so we googled it and found out the rules. Then we made our biggest mistake and decided to play the game. About an hour into it, my candle began to flicker and suddenly went out. BOOM. Midnight Man appeared right in front of me. I started freaking out. Then I noticed something. His belt buckle said "Fresh" and he had some dice in his hand. If anything I could say that this guy was rare, but I thought nah forget it, yo holmes lets GTFO. I left the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to my buddies "yo holmes smell ya later", looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

  112. I played this while taking a shit....

  113. So 3am rolled around, and I was like, shit! Does the Midnight Man observe daylight savings? And then I heard the sound of a can being opened slowly with an electric can opener. Whirrrr.. Thunk, *tip* slosh. I turned on the lights. It took all day to clean up the blood-red mess of tomato soup in my kitchen. When I thought it was all over, I couldn't find the can. Thankfully my Dove(tm) brand soap handled the mess of blood covering my hands, and the Mr Clean(r) brand Magic Eraser(tm) successfully scoured my friend's baked-on flesh off of my cookware. And yes, the midnight man does observe daylight savings.

  114. hes climbin in yo windows blowin yo candles out..

  115. Is it safe to not take a shit during this?

  116. TO YOU ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


  117. I Was Playing This Game Then I Hear Some One Open The Door And See A Black Shadow My Candle Whent Out So I Got Scared And Punched The Perso It Was My Mom .:O She Took Out The Sinto(belt) And I Got The Wooping Of My Life Im Never Playing This Game Again-__-

  118. Holy shit, the instructions turned me on more than anything in the last few months.

    It's probably normal to fantasize about being raped by the Midnight Man, I guess?

    1. i guess, as long ass you dont take it to the extreme of playing the game, lying on the floor and saying "i bet you cant fuck me right now, midnight dude!"

  119. I played this game and i didnt have to shit. Am i doing it wrong?

  120. So me and my were playing this game then I got to about 12:07 and I had run out of options. I had to masturbate. In doing so the Midnight Man proceeded to act out my worst fear. He shoved sushi in my penis and had explosive diarrhea on my couch before eating all my cookies and killing a hooker in my house. I don't recommend playing this game.

  121. ^ I made a typo, it was me and my cat Mittens

  122. Three and a half+ hours to do this? Why not just speed up the whole thing and go for an acid trip instead?

  123. Well after reading the comments (and after laughing my ASS off) I had one question....
    After reading the comments and the instructions I thought about doing this with my friends....
    But in the comments there are a lot of shitting and I only have 2 toilets and I plan on bring'n 5 friends over (and I don't want to smell poop while a axe wielding killer [biggest fear : death] is chasing me around a dark house) what should I do?

  124. ^
    Take a plastic bag for those who couldn't go in the toilet,and let them shit there

  125. I'm playing this now,its pretty fun,well my candle is out,and I don't think the midnight would ever catch me, its been 2 hours...oh shit,a shadow...... I guess I'll turn ba

  126. You're all retards.

  127. i live in a one bedroom apartment... i share a kitchen and a bathroom down the hall so if i do this then i have to run around in cirlces in one room and hope he doesn't find me? lol still gonna do it!

  128. Did everything, even some rituals and preparations before, a simple circle, painted on some kind of material. after the evocation of the 'midnight man' i stepped out of the circle, called upon his name a few times, invited him near me, but nothing really happend. even tried to make him angry but nothing really happend.

  129. what the fuck!!! lmao mmk i guess everyone wants to be raped by the midnight man.... and how the hell do u mistake a hooker for a fuckn cat named mittens? i mean really wtf people! o fyi.... i did this and i have a demon named Evan following me... AKA my boyfriend ~ Cyr :D

  130. friend's comment is pretty fucked up... AKA that one ^^^^^^ welcome cyr!!! :D btw she is a girl not a gay waud. Just sayin'. Wait, l8er, I gotta take a shit...

  131. thanks hun lmao u is a sweet friend :P not. ~ Cyr

  132. friends comment up there ^^ (the last three) ok 1. the first comment u do not have to shit!!! and 2.yes cyr has demon named evan and he is mad at me for calling him devan eggs so ill see u all in hell!!! ~ Poopers

  133. my name is not poopers!!!! my friend (the one who has to take a shit) she wrote the name!!! my real name is .... pause for dramitic affect .... EGGOS!!! ( named after eggos waffels!!) ~ eggos

  134. You know, something that happens during the game is an urge to take a shit.

  135. You are all a bunch of dumbasses.

  136. The salt circle thing reminded me of Spongebob.

    "That was an oval. It has to be a circle!"

    1. CheshireTheAssasinMarch 1, 2012 at 11:53 PM

      That was EXACTLY what I was thinking.

    2. Saaaaaame Glad the midnight man's not described like a gatherer. I would be fuuuucked.

    3. Amnesia reference made. You win some internetz.

  137. "If you are unsuccessful in both of these, the Midnight Man will induce a hallucination of your greatest fear until 3:33AM."

    I hope the Midnight Man doesn't realize that I'm terrified of the Playboy Mansion. Oh no, I've said too much. He's going to make me hallucination my greatest drea- er, nightmare, now.

  138. Yeah there's this game but have you heard of the Weegee game.....

    Wait until it's midnight spend an hour watching Weegee videos on Youtube then wander around your house masturbating until you see Weegee you will have an orgasm and feint when you wake up your orgasm will be shaped and colored like Weegee.

  139. I happened to try this game out, and the midnight man appeared behind me. No, he didn't rape me, he was just standing behind me. This was at 2 AM, and he stood behind me till 3:33 AM, which he then evaporated. Why did he do that? My biggest fear was to have the midnight man stalk me. They say if you believe hard enough, your dreams come true. If your fear causes your belief, then what is to say that your nightmares can't become real?

  140. I used to call the Midnight Man, but then i took an an arrow to the knee.

  141. Nah, I tried it out with my bf and there was noises coming from the bathroom, turned out to be Midnight Man taking a shit(whoever said a side effect was taking a shit has never played the game before because it was Midnight Man taking the shit.)His real identity turned out to be Jack Nicholson.

  142. okay, these comments are awesome and funny but this was my experiance, okay so i just moved into my new house big 2 story place with plent of rooms and long hallways, so i performed the ritual to the letter (plus i have a few pagan friends that blessed me or something idk they said it would help) so afterwords i wandered about, 1 hour in i felt a few breezes and ran for my life. hour 2 first qtr. i heard a noise upstairs and for some reason investigated, just my cat. hr 2 2nd qtr, loud whispering in the kitchen, bathroom, and 3 bedrooms, candle went out but i re-lit it. 3rd qtr, found weird powder on floor, turns out it was my salt its been trailing all over the house.... 4th qtr, i began to climb upstairs because i heard some noises downstairs as i climed up my candle went out and i dropped my matches, i failed to re-light the candle, (now i tell you i had been reserching 12th century german folklore and happend opon slender man, so after hearing all of that, all of the blogs nobody told me slenderman was fake so i was freaked out) so guess who appered...u guessed it slender man. i saw him at the top of the stairs and i ran for my life. i ran outside (DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE, IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS YOU SAFE) as i ran i was chased by slender man for an hour, i ran and ran more horrible, i would say lovecraftian creatures began to crawl from the earth, i found a good place to hide, a gas station. but after i got there idk what happened, when i woke up i was in a hotel 50 miles from my house, when i came back everything was fine and nothing has happened, just a really cray night

  143. OMG, not even joking. As I was reading this I had to take a shit. Perfect timing.

  144. Since I haven't taken a shit in about three days I should play this tonight.

  145. Umm... since it's a game, do you WIN anything? Beacause as it is, if you lose you get raped or killed or mentally scarred for life, but if you win... congratz, you've just cut youreself and wandered through the dark for hours for no apparent reason.
    Sheesh, the Midnight Man could at least throw you a cookie or something if you manage to NOT SEE him for so long!

  146. good thing here where i live i the summer its almost light out 23/7 so i think im set to play this game yeah buddy

  147. Well I decided to try it by myself last night :)
    Big mistake... :<

    12:02 - Heard loud noise in my room. Turns out it was my cat who had knocked down a plastic bottle. After that, I heard a whisper behind me and ran away to the living room. Probably stayed for too long in the same spot when I was on my room :/
    01:13 - My candle went out and I started feeling really cold! Was able to re-light it though and kept on going.
    01:26 - Again the candle went out. The ten seconds had almost passed before I was able to te-light the candle. I heard a faint whisper in front of me and decided I should move faster.
    01:58 - Heard a crashing noise from the kitchen and my cat started looking at the kitchen's door. He looked really startled... When I opened the door I felt a really cold breeze. I covered my candle so it wouldn't go out.
    02:08 - I keep on hearing whispers next to me. At this moment I have the lighter on my left hand at all times...
    03:23 - Just ten more minutes and my lighter died! Haven't got any matches either and I don't really feel like going to the kitchen after what happened...
    03:33 - I heard alot of whispers. They slowly disappeared and I looked at my watch. It was over :)

    It was really scary and I think I'm never doing this again by myself...

  148. What happens if I try this while on acid? I must try, for science!

  149. So what if you use one of those trick candles that are nigh on impossible to put out?

  150. This looks super scary. I am terrified of dolls so will I have hallucinations of dolls trying to kill me if he catches me?

  151. What happens if chuck Norris plays this game? Will he become the midnight man and attack a shadow?

  152. I have an audition for the movie on tuesday. Pretty scary script. I didn't realize it was a real thing...I hope i don't accidentally start the ritual and then the director says cut, flipping the lights on.

  153. ... I'd rather just play Call of Duty.

  154. Now do this all while blasting "Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees"

  155. i actual tried this like no shit and my candle went out and then i couldnt see and got freaked out then accidently stood on my cat and it died and then the rspca came to my house and arrested me then the midnight man came to the prison and killed me.......................................................................................................................................................in my sleep

  156. i watched my friend do this he started screaming and shit his pants, then i said "dude, we havn't even started yet" and he said "i know I was just getting warmed up"

  157. gosh, I just laughed my head off :D lol

  158. I almost died of laughing as well... Thanks, guys. :D

  159. This+abandon hospital+slendy=my hell

  160. OH MY GOD!!! u guys made my day with these comments i laughed my ass out hahahah realy this is priceless but dunno why but while i was laughing i got urge to take a shit hahaha this is fucking epic XD

  161. I tried this once, and at 3:29, I was hiding in my closet. Suddenly, the midnight man smashed the door open and was right in front of my face. In absolute shock and horror, I asked him, "what do you want from me?" He got closer to me and whispered in my ear: "Imma need about tree fiddy" And that's when I realized that the midnight man was actually a 50 foot tall crustacean from the paleolithic era.


  162. I tried this once, but instead of having a bag of salt with me, I had a gun. And instead of pouring it in a circle around me, I shot up my school.

  163. Uhhh, yeah, could you guys change this to 1 AM for tonight? Kinda busy. Got a date with this Midday Chick and she just got some fine ass enhancement surgery on her tits, so understand a brother here.

  164. xD I was laughing so hard reading these.. I'm slightly tempted to do this, but I'm not stupid so I'm gonna pass. You're inviting an evil being into your home and you're basically ASKING it to harm you. It's not safe and not smart. My house is haunted as heck and I've had literally more experiences than I could count, and I would NEVER recomend this Midnight Game to anyone...even if you'd just be joking around with it.

  165. (Previous comment is also mine)

  166. OMG, these comments made me laugh my ass off. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Thanks for the entertainment!

  167. I played this game by myself, and this is what happened to me: The first half hour was okay. Occasionally, my candle would flicker. I realized I forgot my matches in the room I started from. I decided to go back to get them just in case my candle went out. It was well past an hour at this point. When I made it to the door, my candle flickered and went out. I rushed in the room to look for the matches. It was almost impossible to find them in the dark. Before I knew it, 10 seconds had passed. A shadowy figure appeared out of nowhere. Even though it was dark, I could tell it had a shiny face. I knew it was too late, but I found the matches. I lit one just so I could see its face. To my horror, it looked just like the King from the Burger King commercials. Frozen in fear, I managed to ask it what happens now. It floated towards me and blew out my match. It ripped my shirt off then knocked me on the ground. It pulled out what appeared to be a double whopper. It separated the whopper horizontally into two equal halves. It began rubbing my chest and stomach with both halves of the double whopper. It then pulled my pants and boxers down and poured BBQ sauce down my penis hole. It then shot mustard in my left nostril and ketchup in my right nostril. It then poured salt in my left ear and pepper in my right ear. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it flipped me over and jam packed my asshole full of chicken fries. I was extremely uncomfortable and horrified. I ended up passing out. When I woke up, it was 3:33 am. The nightmare was over. I was never really same. I'm constantly craving Burger King now. During this whole ordeal, the food was everywhere except my fucking mouth. And the absolute worst part? He didn't leave a receipt. So I can't call the number and complain about his horrible service. I highly recommend you DO NOT play this game.

  168. Anomynous 12:16 u sir are the best troll i know

  169. omg this game is scary!

  170. if any one has tried it then tell me what its like! im to wimpy to try it!

  171. I played this game and as I was playing, the midnight man found me and he started raping me. That is also when my mom walked out and shot the nigga

  172. What happens if you write your name in blood?
