You're not perfect...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Super Mario 128

Mario has been a gaming icon for decades and has been in more games than can be counted. Although no year in recent memory has gone past without some type of Mario game being released, series fans will remember the nearly decade long drought of original Mario platformers.

From 1997-2005, there was only one new Mario platformer released: Super Mario Sunshine. During the second part of this drought (after Sunshine's release), the mysterious Super Mario 128 was the main focus of the fanbase.

No concrete information was given on the game and, eventually, series creator Shigeru Miyamoto claimed it had simply been a series of test concepts that were never intended to be an actual game.

The mystery faded from memory as the Mario drought finally ended and most people forgot about the game that had once been the center of every Mario fan's imagination.

The Mario drought corresponded with a bad era for Nintendo in terms of console sales. The Nintendo 64 and GameCube did not have the financial success of the earlier Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Nintendo, or the later Wii.

For a very proud company that relied solely on video games to make money, this was quite upsetting for the higher ranking employees that were attached to the company and felt its success or failure reflected on them personally.

Nintendo started working on a sequel to the 1996 Super Mario 64 shortly after the game was released, but during the late 90s it became clear that Nintendo was not winning the console war. The Super Mario 64 sequel was restarted from scratch, since the company believed that it was not a substantial enough improvement over the original to turn the tides of the market battle.

Seeing the generally more realistic and violent games on Sony's Playstation, the market leader, Nintendo considered making a Mario that was closer in tone to what the public seemed to want. There was quite a bit of internal ocnflict over how far to go with this new direction and the new mario was clearly not going to be ready until Nintendo's next console, the GameCube.

The only hint of this that was released to the public was a comment by Miyamoto that he thought Mario and Luigi should act "more like grown ups" in their games for the (then soon to be released) GameCube.

The new Mario project was ultimately split into two games: Luigi's Mansion, which reflected the darker tone that many felt the series should turn to (although it was still toned down quite a bit compared to what some Nintendo executives and developers wanted), and Super Mario Sunshine, which went in the completely opposite direction.

Both were released within a year of the GameCube and Nintendo felt confident that their new system and Mario games would return them to their former glory as market leader.

As those familiar with gaming history know, they didn't. The GameCube did even worse in market share than the Ninendo 64 and the mass market's taste shifted even more toward violent, realistic games.

During this period, the somber mood at Nintendo intensified and the darker Mario project was revived, this time code named "Super Mario 128." It isn't clear exactly what happened at Nintendo during this period. As we know, nothing called Super Mario 128 was ever released or publically shown.

The source that revealed the internal strife at Nintendo during the later N64 era refused to discuss what was happening during the time of the GameCube's failure, but released a prototype of Super Mario 128 online that can be played on the Wii homebrew channel.

The following is a recollection of my time playing it.

The game was clearly an early beta; the title screen was nothing but white text saying "Super Mario 128" against a black background. There was no options menu or save file selection, either. After the title screen, the game started. Bowser's laugh from Super Mario 64 looped in the background while a plain text box displayed this dialogue:

I have taken Princess Peach and she will not live to see the sun rise tomorrow unless you take her place. You know what to do and where to go. Do not try to stop me unless you want to hasten her death.

The game certainly was going for a darker tone. After I made the text box go away, I was thrust right into gameplay. The first thing I noticed was Mario's character model. His body was as detailed as in Super Mario Galaxy (although a little more realistically proportioned), but his head was taken from his SM64 character model. Obviously his design wasn't finished yet.

The setting was a sky level. There were some simple platforms floating in the air. The rest of the area was just blue sky with several clouds scrolling in the background. The clouds seemed more realistic than the usual cartoony puffs in Mario games. They were quite graphically impressive.

There was no music or full voice samples from Mario, but there were sound effect/grunts when he jumped. The jumping was more subdued than in other Mario games. Mario didn't jump as high as he usually did and had little control over his movement in the air. The different types of jumps in every 3D Mario weren't present.

I played through the level. There was nothing especially notable about the gameplay - enemies didn't seem to have been added yet. I just jumped from platform to platform and it wasn't very challenging.

As I went through the level, I noticed the graphics gradually changing. The sky became more and more cloudy until it was entirely composed of clouds, and the cloud background gradually turned to a dark gray.

After this, it started to rain. I reached a small platform with a Toad on it. It looked like the Super Mario Galaxy model. When I landed on his platform, dialogue appeared.

We don't want you any more, Mario. You don't belong here. Just give Bowser what he wants. Die.

After the text box went away, I no longer had control of Mario. Mario just stood there for a while, then turned around and walked off the platform. His body seemed to go limp as he fell.

Eventually, it was revealed that there was a realistic, modern city under the sky. The buildings looked neglected, but there were people on the street.

Mario hit the ground with a realistic-sounding thud, but he didn't explode or show any visible wounds. He just lay there. The people in the city just kept walking by, ignoring Mario, although I thought I saw a few glance at him with cold, somewhat angry expressions.

This went on for a few minutes and eventually, people stopped appearing. Mario got up - I was back in control - but he couldn't jump at all and had a reduced walking speed.

The large buildings of the city didn't appear to be interactive, so I just kept walking down the street for a while. Eventually, I found a small house that seemed out of place among the larger buildings.

When I approached the door, Mario opened it. The screen went white and some black text appeared.

House of Torn Memories

This seemed to be the level title. When I pressed a button, the screen faded back to Mario. He was inside the house from before. Everything seemed bigger than it should. It wasn't gigantic, but scaled as if Mario was a very small child.

The house was filled with normal object covered in dust and signs of neglect. There were no people on the ground floor, just things like broken lamps and rotting food. I found a door that opened to a set of stairs going down, leading to a basement.

In the basement, I found a dilapidated couch and a broken TV. However, what really caught my attention was what was on the couch: two skeletons that appeared to be children, judging by their size. Due to the scale of the house, they were still larger than Mario.

I was starting to get really disturbed by now. How had a Mario game containing this been programmed to this extent?

I went up to the skeletons and tried pressing buttons to interact with them or the TV, but nothing seemed to happen. I was about to turn around and look elsewhere when i was nearly scared to death by a deafeningly loud crash coming from the game.

What appeared to be Bowser seemed to have broken through the floor from below and landed in front of Mario. I say "appeared to be" because this was nothing like the way Bowser is usually rendered.

The reptilian monster in the game had Bowser's basic brownish-yellow and green color pattern, but looked far more threatening than any Bowser model I had seem before.

It was not proportioned like the Bowser I knew. Its arms and legs were far longer in relation to its body and ended in razor-sharp claws. The green shell didn't look like it had spikes glued on; they were more jagged and organic looking with the same dark green color the rest of the shell had.

The face had small but intense pur black eyes and a mouth full of jagged teeth that took up far more of the face than it should have. Mario was cowering in fear from this thing. A dialogue box appeared.

You've kept me waiting long enough, Mario. I will taste flesh soon. Will you finally surrender, or does Peach have to die?

I still didn't have control. Mario just stood there, shivering for several seconds before nodding his head. Bowser impaled Mario with his claws. There was no blood, but it was clear from the animation and sound effects that the sharp digits of Bowser's hands had gone through Mario's body.

In one swift motion, Bowser dragged Mario up to his face and bit his head off. Again, there was no blood or graphic details left behind on Mario's neck - just Mario's character model being destroyed.

The screen faded to black. In white text, another level name appeared.

Mario's Eternal Home

Mario's character model was whole again when the level started. It was the only thing on the screen besides the black background. It was floating, as if in space. I could somewhat control it, but it felt more like I was deciding the general direction in which Mario would tumble than fully controlling him.

As I drifted towards no apparent destination, voices faded in. They were echoing, deep voices telling Mario that he was worthless...that the world no longer had any use for him and everyone would be better off if he was dead.

High pitched crying was layered onto the voices after a bit. It sounded like it was supposed to be Mario's cries. This really disturbed me and I found myself fighting back tears. For reasons I couldn't understand, this was effecting me on an emotional level.

The voices and aimless wandering went on for several minutes until I spotted a light grey speck in the distance. I moved towards it. It took a very long time to reach, and grew closer at a much slower rate than it should have.

When I was close enough to make it out, I saw that it was a tombstone. It was a very plain one with cracks in several places. When I got right next to the tombstone, I could see writing on it.

I turned off the system right after reading it. I'm not going to play the beta or hack or whatever this was again.There was a single word written on the tombstone.


(This story is credited to a person called KI Simpson.)


  1. Replies
    1. Ah come on!! Why there's a bunch of sex spammers in this comment?!

  2. R.I.P my innocence.


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  3. "This story is credited to a person called KI Simpson" immediately explained the letdown this update was. His/her stuff is formulaic and implausible every single time. Seriously man, just try something besides "I found this leaked version that was somehow realistic and beautiful even though it was on an old brick of a console where everyone hates the character and he dies violently."

  4. I disagree, I think that KI Simpson's stuff has gotten better and less cliched over the years, and I actually would never have guessed this was one of his just by reading it.

  5. In case you wanted to know, Mario 128 was a tech demo. It was to show some of the capabilities of the GameCube. In it, 128 Marios ran around a platform, attacking each other, and throwing the others off of the platform. This was not intended to be a game. Some of the tech from the demo was later used in Pikmin. Mario 128 was shown at an event in August 2000. other notes: Pikmin released: October 26, 2001. Luigi's Mansion: November 18, 2001. Super Mario Sunshine: August 2002(2 years after 128 was shown off).

    1. And this is why KI Simpson sucks.


      Everything I said about the public's knowledge of Super Mario 128 was true, say what you will about my stories, but don't imply I don't know my Mario.

    3. KI Simpson is a gay fag who can't write stories. Her real name is Arena Thompson.

    4. HER!?!? KI's a girlie!?!!? Alright KI, I don't like your stories much, bout you drop those pants/skirt and panties and sit in my lap and I'll consider liking your stories, mm?

      My e-mail is if you wanna chat privately, baby ;)

    5. You sick basterd


  7. ...Was anyone else forcibly reminded of Twin Seeds by the "telling him he was worthless" part?

  8. I thought it was good. Not scary but the focus on details made me want to keep reading it.

    1. Agreed. It wasn't really scary, but it was still a good story.

  9. so fucking sick and tired of video game and cartoon pastas.

    1. than don't read them.

    2. What a moron, it should be, game, cartoon, and ANIME pastas a(if any are posted here). Seriously, what's with all the... wait I know this one.

      Anime and cart*ons are two fucking different things, with different intentions. Apples and oranges Baka, apples and oranges.

    3. What are you talking about?

      All the guy was saying is that he was tired of them. There are no anime pastas as far as I know.

      No-ones saying anime and cartoons aren't different. Also, don't shove "baka" in there like some dumbass.

    4. Great, some weaboo's mad for no reason. Anime pastas are far less popular and they are far less wide spread, hell I've only ever seen two, and they sucked. No need to call someone an idiot because you like to be a defensive bastard.

      Or are you talking about Pokemon, because, as far as I'm concerned, that's a cartoon. anime is nothing more than the japanese word for animation, so us calling kids animations cartoons is almost exactly the same in a sense.

  10. Replies


  11. KI Simpson, your stories are dull
    KI Simpson, you seriously write alot of bull
    KI Simpson, please be merciful and stop
    or I'll have to find a machete, and your hands I'll lop

    1. I bet you couldn't write any better! >_<
      I find KI Simpson's writings quite interesting. :3

    2. President Barack Hussein ObamaMarch 30, 2012 at 10:27 AM

      Dull...........and bull...........

      Those words...don't...fucking...RHYME!!! They look like they do....but they fucking DON'T!

      Anyway, in response to the first reply to the retarded poet: it doesn't matter if one cannot write any better. KI tried to make a story, but alas this person wasn't pleased. Maybe he/she was a little over the top is displaying the displeasure, but it's not fair to say one must be a writer to tell actual writers (>implying KI Simpson is "an actual writer") that they didn't do a good job this time.

      Though yeah, it's better to say it as an opinion rather than in the form of a RETARDED and BRAIN-DEAD poem that tried to rhyme "bull" with "dull," which is as successful as trying to get a fwuffy wittle kitty witty to have offspring by fucking KI Simpson.

    3. I would love to hear your pronunciation of those words, because in the english language, they do, in fact, rhyme. My two cents.

      Interesting read, by the way. Not scary, but it hooked me.

    4. If you think dull and bull don't rhyme i dont think we're speaking the same language. Also why are you so mad about it? Do you have anger issues?

    5. President Barack Hussein ObamaAugust 14, 2012 at 9:43 PM

      >uses drones to kill

      >Do you have anger issues?

      ...o'course not.

      "because in the english language, they do, in fact, rhyme. My two cents."

      Two cents? Is that all you have? Aww, lemme spread some wealth your way. Anywho, as for the pronunciation, they SOUND similar, but as for the conventional pronunciation:

      dull: /dʌl/. The /ʌ/ sound sounds similar to /ə/, or "uh." Look it up if you don't believe me, you black-haters. I bet you're all wouldn't have doubted me if I were a WHITE president.

      bull: /bʊl/. The "ʊ" sound is like the "oo" in tool. IF "dull" rhymed EXACTLY with "bull," it'd be pronounced /dʊl/, which is "dual/duel," which...isn't DULL.

      On the other hand, if you tried to pronounce bull like dull, it'd be /bʌl/ (b-uh-l). Not quite the same as /bʊl/. It may sound similar, but if you say one right after the other, you'll notice each pronunciation does have distinctly different sounds.

      I will concede that they do sound "similar enough" to be considered something, like...."off-rhyme," is that the word? I don't know, but you can't say that they rhyme perfectly.

      You know, I (a black president) did kinda black-rage at you a little hard, maybe I should have considered the possibility of you making slightly imperfect rhymes knowingly, but since others attacked my POTUS logic of rhyming, well....I couldn't stand by. Even without congressional approval (as my best friend George W. would agree), I needed to strike back, like the Empire, in the second Star Wars movie.

      Also, no more medical marijuana for you. But the potheads will vote for me anyway, because a black 'sident is "cool."

    6. President Barack Hussein ObamaAugust 14, 2012 at 10:19 PM

      And before anypony mentions anything about me saying /dʊl/ can represent "dual/duel," I mean if you say those words as though there were only one syllable, that's how it'd be pronounced. Otherwise, it might have a schwa (/ə/) in there. Regardless of whether my IPA is spot on in this case, my argument is , I feel, still valid, as the "du" in "dull" is clearly not pronounced the same as the "du" in "dual."

      nigga nigga wut wut

  12. contrary to what alot of people are saying I usually am quite pleased by Ki's work. Admittedly this one wasn't one of Simpson's strongest stories but these past two years I've noticed a decrease in quality not just of the author's fault but in all creepy pasta.As a previous updated stated- everything scary has already been done and its getting harder to be completely original. Still with that said this is one of the better Pasta's ive ready in a while now.

    1. I agree :D
      Idk why people say KI's pastas are shit,I think they taste good ;)



    3. 1. Hitler, get 6 feet under where you belong.
      2. Simpsons pastas are good, some are interesting more than scary or creepy.

  13. I don't normally defend my stories, but since there were personal attacks against me, I'd like to point out that this is the only video game/animation creepypasta I've written in over a year.

    1. I just want to say, that I think your stories are pretty boring and silly.

      They start off all normal then divulge into the overdone "ZOMG IT'S ALL WEIRD AND SHIT AND PEOPLE ARE ACTING IN ODD WAYS!!!111!1!11!!ONE!!1".

      You get into it WAY to fast, it's far too abrupt.

    2. yes but it was clitche'd as fuck man ive read minimum 20 stories like this.

    3. I see alot of simularities in your stories, but they are pretty good so far to me. Maybe a little more originality could do, but your discription and edge on them are pretty good. We all have a little bit of flaws in our writings, so don't let people get you down. I enjoyed the ending of this one though since it seemed to be (As I read in one comment) soul crushing. Try a few new things, like creating a monster of your own, study and learn from other pasta's, and forge your own idea from the newfound skill.

    4. People are synical and overcritical assholes, they couldn't write for shit. Just ignore the dickwads.

    5. I have a boner for Count MontyJuly 30, 2012 at 3:32 AM

      ...are you calling mah BEAUTIFUL County Monty a DICKWAD!??!!??! The CMster tells it like it is! And YOU BETTA recognize foo!!!!!

  14. I don't think this is horrible. It wasn't original, but nothing much is anymore. While I'm tired of the video game based pastas, I'd rather have this than many others.

  15. You guys are missing a deeper meaning here. Mario's violent death is symbolic to the violent death of innocent games. Earlier on the story mentions more people being interested in violent games and not wanting games like Mario anymore.

    Mario is innocence.

    1. Not sure if trolling or just slow...

    2. I know a girl named alayna who gives good blowjobs. You must be her.

  16. KI, since you keep doing this, I'm going to offer some constructive criticism.

    The big problem is the pacing. It starts slow, then WHAM weird stuff happens. It's called "building up atmosphere". Try it sometime.

    Also, you fell into WAY too many cliches in this.

    1. Ooooooh! It's more detailed then it should be! GASP!
    3. Everyone is sad and dark looking. *yawn*
    5. SYMBOLISM!!!1!!1!!!!!11ONE!!1!!11!ELEVEN!
    6. "I'm not doing that again and I'm not telling you how you can try it"

    Also, the fact that what you were writing about, was, in fact, shown to the public, hurts the story. Mario 128, as stated above, was a tech demo.

    1. at least it didn't have "And their eyes were bleeding." that always ruins a pasta for me. In fact, with all the cliches it already had, I almost expected it.

    2. Oh man, you're so right, that WOULD have made it worse.

      LOL, Bleeding Eyes.

  17. Not bad, not good I'd say. Everyone else has sorta said the main stuff that needs to be said.

  18. Don't care what people say, this is a great pasta.

    1. Doesn't matter had pasta

    2. You haven't read many, have you?

  19. KI I think it was good I give it a 8 for style and writing but you could of had 9 if it wasn't for the whole "had better then normal graphix and there was no video to follow or anything. Good read though you get a cookie :D

  20. Now I'm not expert, but I thoroughly enjoy Ki's work. Sure there are flaws, but this one was actually well done in my opinion. I hope these comments don't discourage you from writing more pastas in the future. Just wanted to let you know that you have some fans.

  21. I have a boner for Count MontyMarch 30, 2012 at 10:09 AM

    "Super Mario 128"....more like, this is the 128th god DAMN story in which I've seen these cliches, as noted by Count Monty. Not just by you, KI Simpson, but damnit, the K and the I might as well stand for "Kan't Innovate" because the same things keep popping up in your stories and I don't notice much anything different. Don't get me wrong, I actually really like lost episode/beta game pastas, but...come on. Next story, can you just try this one thing: don't use any form of the word "realistic" ANYWHERE, huh? Even if it's in a different context, like "realistically speaking...." don't use it. I noticed "hyper" didn't make an appearance, good on you for that, keep it up!!

  22. There is a lot of personal bashing going on.



  23. Wow you kids take this shit way too seriously.

    1. If we gotta take black people seriously, then why the hell shouldn't we also take THIS nonsense seriously?

    2. How the hell does black people correlate into a pasta? GTFO, and quit making idiotic connections that make no relevance whatsoever

    3. George ZimmermanMay 2, 2012 at 9:53 PM

      >How the hell does black people correlate into a pasta?

      >does black people correlate

      Based on your grammar....I'd say you'd better be careful walking around outside with a hoodie on.

    4. Ima fuck you up from be-yond da grave, yo.


    5. You already fucked me up BEFORE being a "coapse" (sigh, black talk) so that's why I shot well as the fact you're a nigger and I assumed you were up to nigger good and I hate niggers and you're a nigger..sorry, WERE a nigger! Now, instead of being inside white females RAPING them, you're now inside a COFFIN! Probably dead-raping it though...shame on you sir.

      Also, I'm innocent.

    6. It's interesting to see that this person up there enjoys being racist and a total dick to everyone on the Internet. Man, you must feel so accomplished in your life! Trashing African Americans on a creepypasta! Dude, you deserve a medal for that.
      No but really, how's going outside for a chance and making something of that pitiful life of yours sound.
      Oh right, and by the way-- I'm not black.

    7. How DARE you sir. I am NOT a total dick to everyone on the Internet, but rather a 70% dick to that ONE black guy. I only rose up to that level of dickitude because I thought it was all that was necessary to put him in his place. And by the way, I DID get a medal for it. From the police department. Something about "cleaning up the trash." Is it a coincidence that these officers were white? Of COURSE it is.

      I DO go outside do you think I capped that TrayTray? Some people need to learn.

      "Oh right, and by the way-- I'm not black."

      So....because you point out you're not black, you think that makes you somehow BRAVE and a BUCKER of the TREND to call me out as a supposed racist? You think it means ANYTHING that you're not black and you're calling me pathetic for trashing blacks? This isn't 1920 bub, where being a non-black and saying you shouldn't trash blacks MIGHT be brave. Perhaps it's YOU who must feel so "accomplished" for being a non-black, because it takes GUTS for someone not black such as yourself to say that stuff I say is unacceptable. Typical liberal. Go to other words, Starbucks.

      Also, I'm innocent. Incidentally, you probably are innocent too, being not black.



  24. Hey everybody sorry to spam, but if you want new pasta you can go to for a pasta I wrote called "Mirror Avenue" and you can read my second pasta attempt, "Occulta Tenebris" at I'm new to writing, but mirror avenue seems to be pretty well received and I'd like some opinions on my second story.

    1. >Hey everybody sorry to spam


      We don't take too kindly to your kind around here. I *are* black, right?

    2. Not black. Nope. In fact my nickname is sour cream i'm so white. Also, you should totally check out those websites. Or not. Your choice.
      Oh, yeah and my real name is Logan, so that's why my username is Lowganne, but I see what you did there.

    3. >i'm so white.

      ...alright, you have permission to be within 5 feet of my TV.

      >Also, you should totally check out those websites. Or not. Your choice.

      >Your choice.

      Liberals would have you believe that it's not a choice, but rather I am BORN with the preference of whether or not to check out those sites. But you, Logan, are right. It is a CHOICE to check out those sites AND to be queermosexual.

  25. Stop bashing him you guys. Shure he uses the same words over again, and the same style, but he's a great writer. this just shows how modern day society as involved to souless bastards. He's doing no harm, just doing something he enjoys to do, and all you guys are doing is putting him down.

    1. I have a boner for Count MontyApril 7, 2012 at 7:54 AM

      ^ Story by KI Simpson.

    2. KI Simpson is a faggot girl named Arena Thompson. Female pronouns peopele.

    3. I dont understand why you hate her so much. Its not like she's German... Is she?

  26. Super Mario 128 actually became Pikmin...

    1. Chris P.........BaconApril 15, 2012 at 10:16 AM

      ...nahhhh I'm pretty sure one day after deciding how much of a failure SM128 was, Shiggy Miyamotee was drinking a lotta sake and taking a terribly wet shit in a western-style toilet. He looked at his dumpings before flushing and got an idea. Boom--Pikmin.

  27. Dear KI Simpson, i like this story and falls in my favorite categories of pastas =^_^=

    1. Dear annie, i like your comment, and I like KI Simpson's work as well! I'm also into incest and am a brony, and can only assume you're the same. So yeah....I love incest, especially non-consensual.....I love ponies, often read stories where related ponies have sex.....especially if one is underage....AND, like you, I love KI Simpson's work.

      annie is totally like me. Everything I like, annie does too. And KI Simpson, because this is where his/her fanbase comes from.

    2. The people on this site have become complete asses. I cannot figure out why it is the internet does this to people.

    3. My Little Pony.

    4. Well MLP is the cutest show in existence, I think even the african american on this site will agree it is "BOSS". So STFU, your arguement is invalid.

    5. it is boss yo. mlp is da doss.

      and by mlp i mean raping people and taking their tvs while my homeys are taking their turns raping the victim. nigga nigga wut wut

  28. Where can one play the game?

    1. It’s a game pasta, they aren’t real games.
      And you should feel bad for not knowing that long before now.

    2. And YOU should feel bad for talking to an African American that way.

      ...that Anon was black, right? I mean, how else would his brain be so small and retardified that he'd think this was a real game?

      Anyway, yeah, don't talk to them like that...not because I'm not a racist, I'm just trying to warn you--those people are dangerous!

  29. If you guys think this pasta suck, then let's see if you can do a better version of it.

    1. That's impossible seeing as how one cannot make a better version of a pasta that was already dead on delivery. There is absolutely no way to get the reader to suspend their belief if they know as much as one little thing about the actual Super Mario 128.

      That being said, I will write a better version of it. It'll take some time just like the other projects I have under my belt, but hopefully it will be worth the wait.

    2. I repeat, everything I said about the public knowledge of Super Mario 128 is true (I have the link in an earlier post).

    3. Oh I almost forgot:

      The earlier post is hyper-realistic. Its words bleed.

      And one more thing, there was a story on here earlier called The Curse of Kaupe, and SOMEone in the comments pretended to be me and rewrote that story as if *I* had written was very cruel and not funny!

      Check it out to see just how much of a big meanie grumpy mean-meanie-pants this person is:

  30. Wow that was fucking stupid. The ending was the most pretentiously stupid thing I've read this whole year.

    1. Well well well, just as the anon right before you said, WHY DON'CHUU MAEKS A BEDDER FURSHIN UV IT!?!?!

      In fact...I'm thinking of doing just that! But only if I could get Inuahominahominahomina to put it up...but I don't think she'd do that so ehhhhh guess we're outta luck! Why don't I just put it here, or on my own blog and link y'all there? Fuck you, that's why.

  31. matt. stop playing your games


    2. Here you are again....see everyone? See how dangerous this nonwhite was? Orange you glad I ZimmerBLAMMED him?

      Zimmerman and the rest of society: 1
      Martin and the Negro Army from Niggopolis: 0

      Also, I'm innocent.

  32. why dont u all stop being haters. it was a good read and i ejoyed it. im sure u did too but u little 12 year old cok fags feel like taking ur agression out. so stfu and move on

    1. See how poorly written your comment was? If they're 12, you're 7. A 7-year-old who doesn't know how to spell and was brutally gang raped by your stepfather, father and some (other) black guy.

      Though yeah, it's getting kind of rough up in, what the fuck y'all? KI, I hope they aren't discouraging you from writing more. These trolltards would be here whether or not this story was good. I don't think it was that bad, though it could have been all stories can be.

  33. Too long; had to read.

    1. So you're saying you are drawn to stories that are long? Like penises that are long, you must take them in your butt? You make me nigger, get out of my face.

  34. Haven't seen a mario pasta so far O.o. Can't really say it was something tensing or scary, but it certainly had something in it that hooked me.

    Don't want to be whoring myself here but if any of you love tense S.King style stories it's worth checking this blog out

    1. I wish your comment were of African descent and walking down the street with deadly Skittles. Just sayin'.....I wish I could remove your stupid comment.

      Once again y'all....I'm innocent and didn't murder that stupid negro that I totally killed because he was black.

  35. personally, I thought this was a great story. It captured the Japanese mindset quite well, and the story is fitting. It is semi-realistic, and the fact that there was a Mario 128 doesn't really effect the story. The ending was superb and the writing is good. Quit bashing it.

    1. I agree with Anon here, quit bashing this story y'all! I am certainly not a basher! More like a blaster...but this is a story, not a young black teenager holding Skittles of Doom, so I feel safe enough not to carry my anti-black gun, AKA gun.

      Also, I'm innocent. And handsome.


  36. Replies
    1. where kazooie. hot red bird. me want fuck. if no find, bear will do.

      me hate unga bunga tribe. they want share land. we oogle boogle tribe want control all.

      at least unga bunga not brony tribe. they bad. they fap to little girl stuff. they possible rapists.

      ooh ahh ahh.

  37. A tombstone that says 'Innocence'? Excellent metaphor. Did you pick that up in your 8th grade writing class? That's it, I'm writing a fucking creepypasta to show everyone how easy it is.

    1. That's RIGHT! You SHOW them! But it's not likely to be posted *here* anytime soon, as Inunamohinjamana is off masturbating or some shit and hasn't done anything on this blog for about a half-year. If it isn't posted here anytime soon, or you post it elsewhere, do you think you could put a link in these here comments so we all can bask in the superiority of your pasta!?!?

    2. @3DS, Two asshole-talk don't make a right-talk, if you couldn't take on his comment, then shut the hell up, crybaby. Get a real name. And as for the "superiority" creepypasta, if you still can't wait for it, then visit this channel, and pick any creepypasta to be torn apart.

  38. Actually, there WAS a Super Mario 128 Tech Demo.

    The Technology for Said Demo was used for Pikmin.

    (Another fun fact: The Katakana for Olimar (O-Ri-Ma-)Is the Reverse for Mario (Ma-ri-o))

    Still, the thought of a Gloomier Mario Game seems a bit farfetched. At least from the Get-go. (Kirby in particular is famous for it's Horrific Endbosses, Though Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door isn't to shabby in this department either.)

    Luigi's Mansion WAS toned down from the Beta, (Which included the infamous "Zombie Luigi" Game Over Screen, and included a Time limit,) But beyond that, didn't seem TOO different.

    Overall, Plausable? Not in the least. Honestly, the first part sounded like the start of a bad fanfic. "THE PRINCESS WILL DIE IF YOU DON'T TAKE HER PLACE." Not likely gonna be in a Nintendo game.

    I could be wrong, and this IS True. But I don't think it is.

    Of course, This is simply opinion.

  39. This story is fake the REAL sm128 was a tech demo for how many things can be all on screen at once and its for the gamecube anything in this story like the bowser part IS FAKE

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  42. For GODS SAKE!!! This negativity is just unacceptable! Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, but this is not constructive criticism, this is personal abuse to the author! All this talk about the author being 'not good at all' or 'sucky' is NONSENSE. At least she tried to write a story, which is farther than ANY OF YOU would have EVER gotten!

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