Last week I drove to a nearby town. The town is surrounded by tall hills and mountains, and you can have a very pleasant hike down any of the numerous trails there. Anyway, I was climbing one trail and enjoying the good weather when I saw what looked like a silver box. When I approached, I saw it was a digital camera!
It's a 3.3 mpixel Powershot S20! Slightly scuffed, but otherwise fine. It rained the next day, so I was really lucky to get there when I did. When I got home, I also saw it had a 300 mb hard drive inside! This must be like a £250 value folks, I pity the fool who dropped it so carelessly. Anyway, just wanted to share.

(This story is credited to a person called Zzeno on Codemasters.)
I recently heard the reflection in pshot25 compared to the story of The Rake.
ReplyDeleteDat image 25.
ReplyDeleteThere's something strange at pshot 17, 18, 19 and 25.
ReplyDeleteAm I missing something? I can't really see anything in any of the photos, and I don't see a reflection in picture 25.
ReplyDeleteMy first thought was that this was just the webmaster informing people that he found a camera.
Fifth picture scared the crap out of me...
ReplyDeleteI look better and there is something at pics 4, 5, 17, 18 and 25, and i think pic 19 is just my imagination.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely suck at seeing hidden things, so I'm gonna need someone to straight up point things out for me...
ReplyDeleteWhy would they keep taking pictures while running away?
ReplyDeleteI hate my interwebs. It won't show the pix at all.
ReplyDelete*Is shitting bricks*
ReplyDeletesome of the stuff looks really photoshopped, IMO.
ReplyDeletethe picture with the glove freaked me out though.
I'm easily startled, i guess.
I meant hand, not glove.
ReplyDeleteWhy would the hand scare you? The photographer clearly took a picture of his hand. Why would it scare you? lol xD
ReplyDeletecuz climbing an old execution platform and messing with dead spirits is very naauuughttty
ReplyDeleteSome of the pictures look thuper edited so it's not as fun ;c but in some of the pictures 5, 18, 19 a humanlike figure is totes visible, and 25 there's like a reflection. It seems like they fell off the tower maybabs and were dragged off? shit nigga i don't know
ReplyDeleteFatal Frame??
ReplyDeleteWow. Several of these pictures bring on a sort of Shadow of the Colossus feel for me. They're very beautiful. :)
ReplyDeleteI do see some wonky sillouetts(Lord forgive my Sp)and the reflection. Wow... I didn't know that that's what that structure was. Haha! Who's slow? :D
ReplyDeleteFatal Frame FTW!
ReplyDelete(Glad I'm not the only one who thought of it)
Don't think he got many points though.
Poor Slendy. He only wants a hug.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletecuz climbing an old execution platform and messing with dead spirits is very naauuughttty
October 11, 2010 8:13 AM
you. yeah you. SHUT UP. We dont need Fred involved in this. its already creepy enough.
I remember seeing this on GameFAQS Paranormal/Conspiracy board years ago. Been looking for it rececntly, glad someone on /x/ linked me this site.
ReplyDeleteHi, Slenderman.
ReplyDeleteI recognize this area. As seen in the video on youtube submitted by a user named tribe twelve. Here's the link:
ReplyDeleteOh god shot 18
ReplyDeleteIn shot 18 I can clearly see a creature coming through the fog and I see the reflection in 25! Look in the top left corner! So creepy
ReplyDeleteWell looks like youve got a case of the Slendy on your hands. OH and whats this? Hes brought along one of his best buddies, no not you Maksy, I meant The Rake.
ReplyDeleteShot 18 = Ooze from resident evil revelations OMG WATCH OUT UR GONNA BE A JILL SANDWICH
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody else notice that shot 14 seems to be missing?
ReplyDeletePhoto 14 is missing
ReplyDeleteAs I was scrolling down threw the pictures I was just waiting for slenderman to show up.
ReplyDeleteThen that creature showed up o.o freaked me out
And I believe she/he committed suicide -.-
In all detail this is just creepy
ReplyDeleteActually these photos are from way before Slenderman was created.