SCP 482756 is what appears to be a normal blog filled with creepy stories...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wolves of the Stillwood

There are no wolves in the Stillwood.

The gray wolves of Virginia were made extinct over a hundred years ago. According to the regular surveys by the National Forestry Service, no sign of any such animal has been found since 1900. The occasional reports of large predators, just after dusk or late at night, usually be the occasional hiker or party of campers in the Stillwood (residents of Lower Alethia, nearest the woods like myself, know better than to try), receive the same tired reply from animal control.

"There are no wolves in the Stillwood."

When a pet gets lost in the dark of the Stillwood and never returns...or worse is found mauled, the blame falls on the usual suspects: foxes, wild dogs, or teenagers with too much time and too little compassion. A few years back, when the Bradleys, a little family brand new to the falls, had their boy David go missing from their won backyard, never finding more than scraps of his jacket and a little blood at the edge of the forest, the official response was adamant: this was a kidnapping, not an animal attack. Old-timers like me just shook our heads and muttered to ourselves:

"There are no wolves in the Stillwood."

So, if you want to sleep at night this close to the forest, keep your doors locked tight and your shutters closed fast, if just to buy some peace of mind, to stop you from catching a glimpse of the Stillwood late at night. And should you find yourself walking near, or - God forbid - through, the woods some evening, head home as quick as you can. Try to ignore the sounds of the night wind, howling as it will only  make your imagination run wild, after all. And should you see what cannot by polychrome eyes, shining through the mists from the underbrush or somehow in the branches above, or even through the gaze of your windows should be blessed enough to make it safely home, take what comfort you can in this thought.

There are no wolves in the Stillwood.


  1. Will you stop taking shit that isn't copypasta? This is from the Ichor Falls site, a writer's site that collects this one dude's horror short pieces. It's not an anonymously-authored thing that's floating around the image boards.

    Credit your fucking sources.

  2. But there are no wolves in Stillwood '-'

  3. Werewolves though :D.

  4. @ first anon

    She does when she knows who there are from. She didn't this time. It's more likely someone copypasta'd it somewhere and she found it.

    Also, creepypasta sites have always taken in author's short stories as well.

    Don't be a dick, this was good.

  5. ^I just knew someone would say that :D

  6. Eh. This lost some effectiveness for me. I live in Virginia. There are wolves around here, but they are transplants from Yellowstone. Pretty though.

    Actually, it is highly possible the ones I am talking about are not, in fact, transplants, but a remanent left after farmers evilly killed off these majestic creatures. Unlikely though. Could be wishful thinking on my part.

  7. Alright! A creepypasta involving wolves! Just lemme get some Chinese food and a Mello Yello...alrighr here we go, first sentence...

    "There are no wolves in the Stillwood."

    ........well that was a nice story. Back to jacking off.

  8. I actually wrote this piece years ago for Kris Straub's Ichor Falls site and reposted it on my own blog a few Halloweens back ( with his permission. I only recently found it had been moved by other to creepy pasta and beyond. Some of the emphasis in the original has gotten lost in translation (I noticed the copy uploaded to creepy pasta had stripped out the original formatting, so it's likely an issue from that transcription).

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