...then TEN years in the chamber I built where all the robots scream at you...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Snuff Film

Have you ever seen someone die on camera?

A snuff film is a recording of the actual murder of human being that is subsequently passed around for entertainment purposes. Suicides and accidents don’t count. According to the MPAA, the FCC, the FBI and the ever-lovin’ Snopes.com, there’s no such thing as a snuff film. Yes, this includes Faces of Death. Anything you think might count is faked, falsified, or not made for that purpose, such as those tasteless videos you find on shock sites.

This is a lie.

There are, as best as anyone can tell, between 30-40 snuff films floating around out there. The earliest is a silent film on decaying nitrate celluloid, simply titled La Mort D’une Fille, and bears the date of 1896.

The latest, judging by the hairstyles and the presence of a “Frankie Says Relax” t-shirt, was probably made in 1983 or 1984 and is on Betamax.

The films vary in violence, but they all include seemingly ritualized sex, followed by the slaying of a girl with dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes who appears to be around 19 years old.

Every film has the exact same girl in it.


  1. Didn't know you were into guro there inunah you should go confirm these

  2. so if the earliest film is of a nitrate celluloid, and the same girl is killed in every single film...


    1. Do you not know how to read dumbass..he's reffering to two differant films he states earliest and latest to the mention of past and present films and mentions in the beginning of many floating about society as a whole...

  3. Then who was movie/director!?!

  4. Always thought this one was stupid.

    1. I don't know... the implication of there being this one girl who hasn't aged at all in decades and is killed over and over on film for some unknown reason is pretty creepy. It makes you wonder who or what she is, and why this is happening.

  5. 3guys1hammer is the only one I found

  6. This is bullshit. . . . . . No such thing. Thanks for giving us something to believe in. Kind of like Bigfoot right? :)

  7. What's a snu... WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!

  8. if there are now snuff films why is there three men 1 hammer?

    1. Snuff, by strict definition, is produced for commercial purposes. The rumor is those kids planned to sell their videos but they never got the chance...3guys1hammer is leaked courtroom evidence, ergo not snuff (although probably the closest thing out there)!

  9. On that note, Begotten should be avoided at all costs. I'm not sure if it's real snuff, but don't risk it.

    1. It's not real. Neither is Guinea Pig.

    2. Guinea Pig is real snuff, Charlie Sheen said so!

    3. ^ You sir. Are a fool. If you believe what Charlie Sheen has said, then you must be as obnoxious and as high as he is.

    4. Begotton was an art project all fake...now AU'S Penance thats a differant story baby out of womb scene obviously fake ...as for the body on the table and the person with bag on head beaten with hammer and than decapitated....MMMMMmmm...I'm kinda leaning towards someone find him and arrest vogel cuzzz that was a little too real no matter how many times you watch that scene...something about it just sticks with you and you cant let it go!!!

  10. Ii don't think Vogel is stupid enough to make a true snuff film! 3 guys with a hammer if you want to concider that snuff by all means, really think about it hum I'm gonna put a film on you tube are even better here's a website where you can buy a DVD and a t-shirt hunch toetag inc, cme on people

  11. Hes distributing them himself.....No one else would touch his videos when he went looking for distributers,if youve ever looked up his history or any interviews with him.
