You shouldn't have done that.

Friday, August 20, 2010



Please read this sentence aloud: Hello, Molly.

If you read it out loud as I instructed, you should be safe.
If you read it in your head… Molly is now safe, too.

Inside your head.


  1. i read this in my head and there aint SHIT you can do about it


  3. I know this isn't true, it's probably because I was scared, but after reading this in my head, I had a mini headache

  4. I've been having great intellectual conversations since, also molly helps me pick up on body language, though its kinda odd having her there when you talk dirty

  5. as soon as i finished readin this...
    i fuckin threw up in my own damn mouth from something...
    ate regular food, ain't hungry, ain't sick...

  6. It is ten times funnier when your name is Molly.

  7. Just gonna assume this unfortunate "Molly" character was some unwanted hooker.

  8. I made up this Creepypasta, last year around Januray or February.
    I was on a /x/ thread titled "Messages I leave in public places" where the person was asking for suggestions for things to write on little pieces of paper that they were going to stick in the pages of random library books or leave on bus seats, etc etc.

  9. HOLY SHIT I had a mini heart attack. My heart beated so fast for a few seconds.

  10. what if i read it in my head for like 2 seconds then said it out load

  11. OW
    This hurts my head. and my hearts is starting to hurt.. Ow. Stop.

  12. I felt a rush of something run past my head. Nothing physical, just a mental burst.

  13. My friend is called Molly :\

  14. NO JOKE, I read it in my head, and now my eyes are burning like crazy. D'x

  15. Read it in my head then said it out loud instantly afterwards xD

  16. i read this, then the comments... your all pathetic

  17. you sure cuz if whoever enters my head shalt suffer from starvation blindness lonlyness complete numbness (that is you won't be able to feel nothing) deffness youll be dehidrated and feel a hellish thirst and eventually youll suffer from madness begging for death

  18. I read this in my mind and shortly after I began to see a little girl in the corner of my eye wherever I went. Then I was walking down the street one day and I could see her plain as day standing in an alley. I approached her and she told me something I'll never forget. You know what she told me? She looked up at me with her cold, empty eyes and said, YOU JUST LOST THE GAME.

  19. Well... I read it in my mind and nothing happened, nothing. It may be because of my divine protection or because I'm too busy listening to my Nirvana CD on my computer with my headphones on xD Good try, Molly ^_^ But no one can enter in my mind unless I let it and if somewone that I don't let enter in my mind and it isn't stronger than me will suffer the consequences. I mean, you're going to be kicked outta my mind or gonna die ;)

  20. I read this in my mind and suddenly had a bad headache. I immediately exited the site and listened to Nyan Cat for 10 full minutes.

  21. I particularly like this one. It's elegant.

  22. How about if I read it in my head and then said it out loud after that?

    Does it cancel it out, because I feel nothing.

    Maybe she suffocated from the vacuum that is my empty head?

    P.S. to the guy who said he made this: LOL, what if someone found it, read it outloud, and someone named molly was nearby?

  23. Molly is my pet dog...

  24. LOL'd at Nyan cat as a cure for this! xD

  25. I read this and thought Wow might be one of the best ones I read the comments and everytime I read the word Molly my heartbeat spiked and thn went back to normal and my head had a sharp pain as I read Molly. I found a really cure saying it in your mind backwards kicks her out.(mdj101)

  26. I wouldn't necessarily dislike having someone to talk to. :foreveralone:

  27. It's good, but I can make it terrifying. Here goes:


    Please read this sentence aloud: Hello, xXxG4M3RxXx.

    If you read it out loud as I instructed, you should be safe.
    If you read it in your head… xXxG4M3RxXx is now safe, too.

    Inside your head.

  28. /\ My thoughts exactly whenever he posts a comment -_-

  29. Read this in my head, then farted. Musta been Molly.

  30. sooo... shes in how many peoples head now?

  31. My mom just called for me.
    she says that i need to finish my homework.
    thats fine and all, But... i never told her i had home work... and she's on a buissness trip on the otherside of the state O.o

  32. Sweet mother of fuck, there's a sharp pain in the back of my fuckin' head.Jesus christ man

  33. but... what if i'm mute? ;=;
