I am skeleton jelly.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Normal Porn for Normal People

Everyone knows that if you surf the web long enough, you'll see some sick shit. This is especially true if you intentionally dwell into the dark underbelly of the Internet. I've seen quite a few things I don't care to admit to, but the one thing I'll always remember is a site called "normalpornfornormalpeople.com."

The first thing about the site was that I didn't find it by actually looking for it. It was emailed to me by someone I didn't know. The email was as follows:

hi there

found this site is very nice thought u might like


pass it on for the good of mankind

It was a pretty standard issue chain letter, though the URL and the last remark really piqued my curiosity. I was having a very boring day when I received this, so I made sure my antivirus was working and clicked the link.

It was a very average, generic-looking site. It gave the impression that the creators just BARELY gave a shit about making it look professional. The author seemed to have a very tenuous grasp on English and, on the front page, was a long, boring, and incoherent rant I don't remember or have saved.

The site had a strange tagline. Even today, people still haven't figured out the meaning of it.

Normal Porn for Normal People, a Website Dedicated to the Eradication of Abnormal Sexuality

From the sound of that, I wasn't sure whether I was here to watch porn or if I had stumbled onto some kind of eugenics program. However, I was here now and I was very, very curious to see what "Normal People" get their rocks off to.

So I scrolled down through the rant and...nothing. The page didn't seem to link to anywhere else and I was about to leave when I noticed every word of the rant was its own hyperlink.

I clicked on one of them and was sent to a white page with a very long list of links.

normalpornfornormalpeople.com/ (random letters)

I stopped for a minute and asked myself if I really wanted to waste God knows how much time clicking random links that will likely give me a virus that will rape my computer.

I figured I'd just try it for maybe five minutes, just to see if anything came up. I clicked one of the links and was sent to another page. This page apparently had totally different URLs than the last one.

I was just about to say "fuck this" when I clicked on the third link and a video download came up. It was called "peanut.avi." It was a thirty-minute video of a man, a woman, and a dog in a kitchen.

The woman would make a peanut butter sandwich and the man would set it down for the dog to eat. This was all that happened for thirty minutes. It was obvious that the cameraman had to stop filming and wait until the dog was ready to eat again, and the dog seemed rather sick by the end of the video.

I know what you're thinking. "What the hell does that have to do with porn?" I have no clue. I've seen a little over two dozen videos from this site and the majority had no sexual activity at all.

After watching peanut.avi, I went on a certain image board I frequent to play online show and tell like I always do with weird shit like this. However, someone already made a thread about it - someone who had received the same chain letter I did. The thread got lots of people with nothing better to do than dig through the site, so that's how I saw other videos.

Most of the two dozen videos were very uneventful and consisted of people talking to the cameraman in a room with nothing in it but a desk and a few chairs. I mean literally nothing - no furniture or anything on the walls. The whole room had a very cold, sterile feel to it.

The conversations were just idle banter about previous jobs or embarrassing childhood moments. I kept expecting some kind of discussion about what the people were filming or what the site was about but, of course, nothing came up.

You would never know these videos had anything to do with porn if you saw them out of context. I will say one thing, though: the people who appeared in these videos were quite attractive.

However, the other videos that actually did feature content I suppose could be called "sexual" is where things got weird.

I'll give brief descriptions of the stranger videos. If you're really eaten u with curiosity, you can try to hunt them down on a torrent site.


A ten-minute video filmed by a hidden camera, in which we see a repairman working on a washing machine for the first two minutes. When it's fixed, the repairman talks to the owner briefly and then leaves. The owner checks to make sure the repairman is gone and begins to lick all over the top of the washing machine. This goes on for seven minutes.


A five-minute video of an obese mime performing his act. It was actually pretty funny - particularly one part where he pretends to pull up a chair then pretends that it breaks due to his weight. In the last thirty seconds of the video, the camera cuts to static briefly and cuts back to the man sobbing quitely, still wearing the mime outfit and makeup. Some kind of obscure fetish?


A four-minute video in which the cameraman talks to a woman in a room different than the "interview room." This room looks like one you'd find in a normal person's house. Exactly where they are is never specified, as "Dianna" only talks about her violin playing. She obviously plays her violin, but she keeps getting distracted by something.

I didn't notice this until someone on the image board thread pointed it out, but if you look at the mirror in the background, you can see a fat man in a chicken mask masturbating.


Another four-minute cameraman video. This time he's outside a house, talking to another young woman. They talk about canoe rides. The camera zoomes out to reveal the city streets behind them occasionally. The strange thing is that no one has been able to identify where this street is. Guesses have ranged everywhere from Europe to Australia to the Phillippines, but there's yet to be a match for the street shown in the video.


A ten-minute video. The fist five minutes consist of an elderly woman making out with a mannequin. The video cuts out like it did in jimbo.avi halfway through and the scene changes to a group of mannequins huddled together ina circle around the camera. The lights have been dimmed and the elderly woman is nowhere to be seen. From this point on, there is no sound.


A five-minute long video where a manw ith no legs is attempting to break dance on a DDR mat in what looks like the kitchen from peanut.avi, but much dirtier. There's a radio playing music unseen in the background, but it stops at the four-minute mark when the man collapses on the mat in exhaustion.

He breathes heavily and pleads with someone off-screen to let him rest. This off-screen person becomes terrifyingly enraged and yells at him to keep dancing, which he does. You can hear this off-screen person begin to scream as the video ends abruptly.


The woman from dianna.avi is masturbating on a mattress in the "interview room," while the man from stumps.avi walks around on his hands while wearing some kind of goblin mask. The door in this room was always closed in other videos, but now it's open.

In this video, the only light is in the room and the hallway is dark. Near the end of the video, you can see an animal quickly run through the hallway.

And, finally, the last video we uncovered: useless.avi.

In this eighteen-minute video, a blond woman from one of the previous interview videos is tied down to a mattress in the "interview room." She attempts to scream, but her mouth is taped over. After seven minutes, a man in a black suit and mask opens the door but does not enter.

He holds the door open for the animal that was running in the hall in the previous video. It's revealed to be an adult chimpanzee, its hair shaved and its entire body painted red. It seems to be starved and abused, with several wounds along its shoulders and back.

When the chimp enters the room, the masked man closes the door behind it. The chimpanzee sniffs the air for a moment (it may have been blind) and notices the woman tied to the mattress. It goes into a frenzy and begins to maul her. This assault goes on for a grueling seven minutes until the woman finally dies. The chimp eats flesh from her corpse for four minutes and the video ends.

The thread exploded with activity after this video was uncovered and people discussed it long into the night. When I came back to the image board the next day, I found the thread was deleted. I tried to start another one and the mods banned me. I tried emailing the guy who sent me the chain letter with the site's URL, but after sending five messages I never got a response.

I have tried to discuss this website on various sites and got banned frequently. The site itself was also deleted about three days after useless.avi was uncovered, likely because someone contacted the authorities about it.

The only proof that normalpornfornormalpeople.com ever existed was a few screencaps people took and videos from the site that people saved and uploaded onto torrenting sites. The most popular was useless.avi, which found its way onto a few gore sites.

Wherever you upload them to, all of the videos from normalpornfornormalpeople.com get deleted after a while.

(This story is credited to a person called Cosbydaf on the Bogleech forums.



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  2. Good pasta ME WANT MORE! Also not to overboard on anything this was Really well-written and made good by the fact that I found the jimbo.avi one but that's easy t re-make so. Oh well 8.5/10

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. can you email me it to at xaviershifty@gmail.com

  3. One of the best pastas I've read in the longest time, especially the bit about the woman being watched by a guy in the mirror wearing a chicken mask and masturbating, creepy stuff, ten out of ten.

  4. I could fap to that.

  5. This was absolutely amazing.

  6. This is something Cosbydaf posted a Day later:

    "Forgot to mention before, but not all these videos have a cameraman.

    Jimbo.avi and tonguetied.avi are filmed with in front of a camera on a tripod.

    Privacy.avi and useless.avi are filmed by a camera installed in the corner of the interview room, so they look a lot like security camera videos.

    As for why they didn't use a cameraman for these scenes when he previously filmed other videos in the same room, it could be that they didn't want the chimpanzee to attack the cameraman instead of their intended victim, so they set up the security camera to film the scenes instead"

    1. have you been able to find the videos of any of these?

    2. did you actually saw the useless video ???.. if you do.. i wanna see it.. can you help me ? my email is javi_h18@hotmail.com

    3. does any one have ''useless'' video. if u do, please send it on e-mail: unknown.eko@gmail.com
      I have some pretty good facts about these videos and I want to reaserch these people who did this. I have wached all but usseles. thanks!

  7. ok so i know this is a creepypasta but i've seen worse than described browsing le deep web, is this legit?

  8. did anyone here try to do more research on the site? just wondering, cause im too creeped out to even type in the url.

    1. I tried, and so have a few of my friends, it always says "resrricted access" which doesn't exactly mean it doesn't exist? But has anyone wondered if this is real or something this author made up for the purpose of this pasta?

    2. http://normalpornfornormalpeople.com/ this is the website

    3. >Opened up the website.
      >Got to the opening page.
      >Read the quote about God.
      >Closed out site.

    4. The site does exist, it works fine for me. There's actually two videos on there. There was no rant or paragraph with links in each word or anything, it looked like a normal website.

      Shack.avi features a woman in a dress sitting on a chair, with a white mask on. For the majority of the video she attempts to eat something through the mask, and you listen to some sort of old sounding radio from like, World War II or something (I didn't pay attention) then toward the end the camera turns around the room, and then back to the woman in the chair, but there is a shirtless man in a white mask standing behind her. And that's it.

      Clean.avi starts off in a hallway, with a dog whining in the background. The cameraman opens the first door and inside is a guy sitting on the toilet (clothed) with his head on the sink and a blindfold on. Then he gets up and proceeds to lick(?) the sink clean.

      I don't know if its the original or if some kid made it out of inspiration from this. But it's creepy. I literally jumped when I saw the man in Shack.avi

    5. Oh I think there was another video on the site, but it's taken down now!!! It was called right_thing_to_do.avi, and it featured some black kid walking down the sidewalk holding candy of dangerous origin and a superhero who looked kinda Hispanic came by and accosted him, and then shot him with his Righteous Ray. The blackie was wearing some kind of hoodie...hoodie? Is that what they say in the ghetto?

      Also, I'm innocent. Whoops, I don't know where that came from. I meant, I bet the hero in the video is innocent.

  9. Was anyone else certain that there was going to be a random picture of a guy in a chicken mask jerking off? it was my innate fear for the pasta after that point

  10. I tried it, and found nothing. Only else that had anything about it I was found was either a forum or another site like this ( I didn't check because norton isn't functioning 100% right now)

    1. Starting watching Shack.Avi heard the music, stopped, closed browser. Now I cant use the restroom.

  11. I really, this best Pastas I've read in while. More please?

  12. Well, I copied normalpornfornormalpeople.com and put it in the address box. Said the domain has been redirected. +1 real point.

    I googled it and most of the results are either the story or a yahoo answers page of someone asking if it is real. -1 real point.

    I doubt it's real, but it's just realistic enough to make me check a little.

    If it was real, I wouldn't be that surprised, but I think it's an urban legend.

    Thanks Cosbydaf for helping make another good urban legend!

    1. erm it is real if you goole the videos you'll see that at least 1 result is either deleted or gone or suspended

    2. Yeah? Well, I googled them and I didn't see any "deleted" or "gone" or "suspended" results.

      Actually, since the video titles are so VAGUE they could be anything. The jessica.avi I found could be simply a video of a chick named Jessica masturbating or something.

      That's how that works, man. Don't be so gullible.

    3. I have a boner for Count MontyApril 1, 2012 at 2:15 AM

      Aww YEAH Counts, you TOLD that gullible Jewigger! Can we have sex now?

    4. Theres a comment a few above with the URL. I just opened it up. The sites real, the front page is exactly how it's described. I'm chilled.

    5. I copied the link, right clicked and pressed 'Search Google'.


      'Related Links'

      "12 year old pics"

      ...... yeah I don't like where this is going.....

  13. This is how a creepy pasta should be done.
    Excellent read, contains pretty much everything you need in a pasta. This is how it's done. Even with the notion that there is SOME, even if slight truth ringing to it.

  14. Chris from IGN.com, lol

    This was actually pretty good, weird as hell.

  15. Este en especial me agrado bastante resulto ser muy intrigante.
    Muy buena narrativa del tecto y muy bien estructurado.

    Diria que sera uno de mis favoritos.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. >that feel when you'll never see any of these videos

  18. Disturbing to say the least but definitely an interesting story.

  19. i entered the url and actually went to the website, but there were no links to anything, it just said "Normal Porn for Normal People, a Website Dedicated to the Eradication of Abnormal Sexuality" ... but no videos or anything, so it looks like it was real .

  20. Agreed with a previous comment, this is how a creepypasta should be! Pretty weird videos, makes me wonder if someone remade the videos and site to make the pasta more real... >_> *wondering if I should check for the videos/site myself lol*

  21. My penis is very confused by this story.

  22. I tried looking this up by typing the url. It said that this website has been moved...>.> So could it have been real? o.o

  23. Just typed in the URL. The website is "up". Someone is trying to make the pasta come to life :]

  24. Great story! Wouldn't go seeking the site myself though. Something's are best left unseen and unknown (plus, doesn't sound like something i'd enjoy anyway.)

  25. >Story's title has "porn" in it.

    >NO mention whatsoever of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Not even Rainbow Dash.

    What a FUCKING letdown! I kicked my sister outta the room and got all ready to jack the fuck off to some colorful horses (actually she wanted to watch me do it and help me out, but we only do that on Incest Fridays so I kicked her out). I'm telling Equestria Daily and Sethisto on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T let this happen AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh god I lol'd

    2. Dafuq did I just read O.O

    3. That was a warning from us Bronies, dear Anon. By the way, I slipped in a little shoutout for the latest Brony convention: Incest Friday. Being held in Fargo, ND. Everypony who is anypony will be there...and inside their sibling. I think Sethisto posted about it on some earlier Equestria Daily blogpost, don't you guys go there? He made some stupid Trixie pun too, god he can be a fag sometimes.

  26. Yeah this was amazing, and it scared the FUCK out of me. Good job. :) 9/10

    1. ...it scared the FUCK outta you? No offense but you're a faggot nigger female liberal pansy wansy racist. No disrespect.

    2. Are you ChocolateCake? I assume not since you didn't take the few seconds to type in the name. So was I talking to you? No. You're an even bigger faggot than CC. And probably into incest......................now that I think about it, you're now fine by me. Let's go for a walk sometime. Bring a relative.

  27. http://normalpornfornormalpeople.com/
    It exists.
    "it will be back up very soon. Thank you for your continued interest in the project." the site says.
    creepy shit, man

    1. Want something creepier and more insane that involved videos more damaging?


    2. Aww nigga, five star comment!

    3. Thanks, gimme a NIGGA-FIVE! I just hope we can find five HISPANIC maids to rape this time.

  28. Damn the site looks promising :)

  29. http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/normalpornfornormalpeople.com

    Wayback Machine doesn't have that page archived.

    1. ...whiiiiiiiiiiich PROVES that there's something sinister and super spooky about that website!

  30. REALLY AMAZING. good pasta , i enjoyed

  31. matt. i will end this.

  32. The site says that there was some legal trouble and it had to be taken down. They say they are working on getting it back up. I bookmarked the site. And I'm gonna keep checking back to see if it's up.

    1. Legal trouble? Probably had a link to www.equestriadaily.com and was taken down for empowering pedophiles, blacks and homosexuals.

      The reason EQD itself wasn't taken down is because Jews demand it be up.

  33. can anyone tell me where can i download the useless.avi video i need to see it!!!! if anyone has the video please send it to me to this email, javi_h18@hotmail.com

  34. Google the web page. I just found some videos and according to the site, new vídeos will be uploaded very soon.

  35. Just seen that the site has been updated. It said that they're should be more posts this weekend.

  36. Weather this is real or not is moot. If anyone is interested in seeing this kind of stuff, check into the films of Harmony Korine (this sounds a lot like the kind of stuff he does). Specifically Gummo and Trashhumpers. Obviously they're arthouse movies, not possibly real weirdness, but its still pretty interesting stuff

  37. normalpornfornormalpeople.com is a real website!

    1. Totes not a rapistJuly 11, 2012 at 3:52 AM

      Oh my gawd THIS IS ALSO A REAL WEBSITE!!

      I didn't think it was a real one, only used as a scare device in a child rape story, but it's real! IT'S REALLY REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      Although I'm wondering if this "pony" site were only constructed after the creepypasta in which it appeared, entitled "Raping Children to Death After Making Sex with Purty Horses with Purtier Pussyginas."

      Because, honestly......for what other possible reason would this site exist?

  38. The site up right now is a cheap ripoff of Cosbydaf's story.

  39. This site still exsists. search it. So. Weird. Just like this story described it.

  40. lol no. Not in the least.

  41. http://radiohotchilli.net/infusions/gr_radiostatus_panel/gr_radiostatus_player.php?id=1&typ=flash

  42. saw the site,freaked the fuck out, im scared for my life

  43. You shouldn't be, it's fake.

  44. So, I went to the site, clicked on the FAQ tab, clicked on all questions (or something along those lines) and one of the questions says "Is the Creepy Pasta real?" to which was answered "That story was apparently based on the project's origins. This new incarnation of the site has nothing to do with the story, in fact, the reverse is true."

    Here's the link: http://normalpornfornormalpeople.com/index.php/faq?catid=0

    1. It's fake, dude. The site was never up before 2012.

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  50. @ChocolateCake

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