Majora's Mask? Isn't that that game where that kid drowned?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mysterious Creature of Minecraft

Everything I'm about to disclose is 100% true. Most of you will not believe me, but maybe one or two of you have experience what I have and can offer some help - if there is any to be had. But, for now, let's just get to the story.

I'm a casual browser of several 7chan boards. I'm a fairly normal guy and come for the taste of counter-culture, you might say. I work in an office and have a very routine life which I enjoy. Nothing extraordinary has ever really occurred in my life, until Minecraft.

I kept seeing all the talk of it on varied boards, so two weeks ago I just outright bought the game. Millions of players' collars can't be wrong, right? I immediately became addicted. I played late into the night, despite having to be up very early. I played from the moment I got home from work until the moment I forced myself off. I didn't know about mappers or cheats, so I just strugged on and on, toiling. I eventually put the game on my laptop and started bringing it to work. For a reason I never thought  much into, I was always mining - going deeper and deeper and deeper. I hadn't learned to forge, so when night came - if there was anything remotely dangerous around - I would simply wall myself into a passage and wait out the night. I didn't want to lose everything and had learned that the hard way from falling off a cliff.

One evening, I'd walled myself off and started watching television as I waited for night to pass, with one torch on the wall and a stone sword in my hand. Out of nowhere, something pushed me forward and I died.

When I respawned, I couldn't find my way back to the massive tunnels I'd dug. After nearly an hour, I gave up in frustration, but my addiction pushed me to start again. I started mining again, deep down, finally hitting lava, and hearing the spooky dungeon music. I walled myself off, hoping it would pass. Then, the music changed slightly. It became a series of random, glitchy beeps. As I walked forward to dig myself out, something hit me again, killing me.

This time, I had marked the area I was in with torches, so I trotted back. I found the passage and waited, constantly moving back and forth once I was inside, trying to see if I'd found a glitch. As soon as the music started, I put torches all over the walls. As soon as I paused, I saw it. It came out of the wall, as if the blocks there had come to life. It was just a form made of gravel and cobblestone, with a giant, red circle on its 'head' and a smaller yellow circle in the middle of that. It moved toward me ad my computer speakers hissed like I'd cranked the volume and blasted static. It killed me with one touch.

Frustrated and figuring it was just another monster, I searched everywhere - eventually finding the Wiki for Minecraft - and discussed it with several friends who played. No one had a clue what I was talking about.

So, I started a new world. As soon as I started, I was on an island and...there the thing was. It was across the water, made out of gravel, water, and sand. It had that same eye. When I moved, he mimicked me. I struggled to find a way around him. As night fell in the game, the blocks broke and he fell away.

Now he's hunting me across my worlds, randomly stepping into view and made of the surrounding blocks. He's always there to kill me and he'll kill any other creature around so that he alone can get to me.

Last night, he began to destroy my tunnels and the house I'd built on the island. I watched him do it. I was infuriated. The more I googled, the more I realized that I'm apparently the only one that's seen this thing.

I can't stop playing. I've been on a bender for the last 72 hours - even calling into work - trying to find him. His appearance is random and only the hissing lets me know he's near. I can't sleep, don't ever feel hungry, and I can't stop playing. This wall of text is the longest I've been away from the game in days. It's like he's pulling me in...and I feel more and more addicted every second I hunt him. When I look away, when I walk away for a cigarette, or try to sleep, my mind still thinks I'm building, digging, and trying to hide from this thing.

I don't know if it's truly creepy or not. I just know that  no one else seems to know what I'm talking about and when I try to screencap him, he doesn't show up.

I told  you that you guys would think this was just a story, but it's not. I ended up sleeping a good part of the da away, being too tired to even function. I logged into Minecraft and used my downloaded GPS mod to get my bearings. I headed for the latest mining area I was working in, waiting for circle eyes to pop out. To my amazement, he didn't. However, when I reached the site - which was little more than steps dug straight down, surrounded by gravel blocks marked by torches - I found something amazing. The gravel blocks had been removed, and on the spot was a diamond tower that rose up higher than the clouds. I don't have the tools necessary to break the diamond blocks, so I was forced to mine down around it. I found one of the original tunnels I'd dug, but all the torches were missing. It was pitch black and I knew that was suicide.

So, I make three full batchesof torches and climb down beneath the diamond tower. I throw torches up along the way and nothing seems to have changed - with a few exceptions. Every once in a while, as I'm walking along, one of the bricks in the wall along the path has been replaced by a gold brick. As I follow one of the paths, it seems to go on much longer than I remember digging it (which isn't that big of a deal. I dig so much I often lose track of what I did ten minutes before). However, the gold blocks appear here and there, as if they were bread crumbs marking a path.

Eventually, I come to an area that's just a giant pit, and this one I know I haven't dug; it's too perfectly square to have been naturally occurring. The bottom row of bricks are all gold, and in the middle of the room is a swirling purple disc. I had no idea what it was, so I opened a google tab, searched, and discovered it was a portal. It's not a big deal, but I didn't put it there.

I enter the portal. I'm amazed to get my first view of the Nether. I roam a little, mining a bit, and dodge creeps. I decide I'm going to go back out when it happens again...just as I had forgotten all about circle eyes. This time, he was pure blocks of magma, but with those same circular patterns, and he's standing right in my path, between my miner and the portal out.

He's like a shadow, mimicking my every step again. I move forward, he does. I step to the side, he does. I screencap him, and as soon as I do (which, again, yielded no results. Every time he's screencapped, he doesn't appear in the pastes. I've got an idea on how to sort that out with recording, but that's for some later discussion), he heads straight for me, and this time he's as fast as when you freefall from the top of a mountain. When he's six blocks away, the hissing in my speakers starts up, he touches me, and I die.

When I respawn and head back, hoping to collect what little gear I had, he's waiting for me at the foot of the diamond tower. Frustrated, I say, "Fuck it," and log off. I completely removed Minecraft from my system and then downloaded again, this time on a completely different laptop. I haven't played again since, but I'll see this afternoon, after work, if he's back. If so, then something is up.

You guys probably don't believe this at all, but answer a couple of questions for me anyhow. Humor me.

Is it possible, even though I'm not playing on a server, that someone else has "invaded" my game after changing their miner skin?


  1. Hmmm... as far as I know, I've absolutley NEVER heard of anything like that... maybe one of the mods you downloaded? There are mods that have A.I companions... so why not something like this? I'll look into it at lunch and get back to you dude. Very good minecraft story.

  2. This isn't a story I wrote. It's purely fictional.

    1. Listen, I don't know if this story is real or not, but if it is, I have encountered something similar.
      I usually come up with a name to call something this bizarre, but when I saw this, I was in pure shock... I checked around inside the minecraft folder, there is nothing in the textures that says anything of this. I stopped playing single player and went onto multiplayer and it was their. This stopped occurring about a week ago, and no signs since. I try to keep careful, and use Too Many Items to save my stuff in case I die. You should as well if your telling the truth.

    2. Do you have a camera at home? Why not take a video of your screen next time something weird happens?

    3. What the hell do you mean Inunah? Stories can be fiction or non-fiction. Also, isn't it kind of immoral and dickish to write a false story and start with saying that it's true?

      Or maybe you just meant that somebody else wrote the story, and it just happens to be fiction. Fuck, I don't know.

    4. I've Just Seeen It.

    5. I was once hacked on my PC, and the hacker caused stuff like this. I got rid of the malware, so try getting an anti-virus.

    6. This happened to a friend you got to do the ritual to get rid of it first do exactly as I say get a dirt block a nether rack a end stone block set them all on fire burn red stone in the dirt burn glow stone in the nether rack and a end pearl in the end stone then STOP DO NOT DO ANYTHING or nothing will happen wait for the blocks to stop burning then put out the "final fire" if this does not work do it over again but with new blocks not the same ones but next time kill your self in the "final fire" if this does not work your not dealing with "the cloud" it must be another monstrosity like the "it" so do the ritual for the it or it may be the weakest of of the group but the most common heroblind but it's most likely "the cloud" at least that's what it sounds like and another option is accept it

  3. Well, did you try delete MineCraft and re-download it?
    Unless it infected your profile, then you're fucked.

    Change into the things skin, and mimic it.
    That might not do anything, but if it has intelligence (Not MineCraft creature intelligence, but player-like intelligence.), it probably would know that you are mimicking it, and something would be bound to happen.

    Not sure though, but if I were you, I would at least try those two things out.

    Oh, and good read too, I liked it.

  4. Good read.

    The thing that brings this story home for me is that the story isn't one of those stories where the author thinks it was some ghost invading his game (*hint* *hint*)

    Please update us soon!

  5. You guys are so cool, thinking it's legit. Which it is, of course. WHY WOULDN'T IT BE? INUNAH IS JUST PRONE TO FUCKED UP SHIT :DD

  6. Interesting story, i think that it is a hacker some how it has perhaps invaded your profile and put this creature through hacking.

  7. what does the scouter say about his power level? ITS OVER 9000!!!! this thing would be epic to have i would communicate with it through using signs, first by having a sign that says hi and then wait for it to come so i can befriend it and then me and my team mate will be unstopable


    1. Creepers only hiss when you are one block away. Not six mate.

  9. I think it's a story. Only humoring you... but do you think maybe Herobrine evolved or changed somehow? Maybe he's trying out his new form on you.

  10. I REALLY know this is fake, I have checked the original minecraft files (Desktop client) and there are no skins that look as you describe them.

    But still, good story!

    1. This happened to a friend you got to do the ritual to get rid of it first do exactly as I say get a dirt block a nether rack a end stone block set them all on fire burn red stone in the dirt burn glow stone in the nether rack and a end pearl in the end stone then STOP DO NOT DO ANYTHING or nothing will happen wait for the blocks to stop burning then put out the "final fire" if this does not work do it over again but with new blocks not the same ones but next time kill your self in the "final fire" if this does not work your not dealing with "the cloud" it must be another monstrosity like the "it" so do the ritual for the it or it may be the weakest of of the group but the most common heroblind but it's most likely "the cloud" at least that's what it sounds like and another option is accept it


  11. >downloaded GPS mod

    If you're downloading modifications it's entirely possible for someone to introduce other behaviors (such as new mobs, chunk editing, etc) to the game.

  12. Peoples Collars never lie.

    I had made a stone castle and when I died and came back to it one time, all the doors and windows had been sealed shut with diamond blocks. I was kinda confused but I had left a chest full of impotant items in there and I had to get them. I dug through one of the stone walls and walked in. All my torches had been removed and the house was pitch black. I placed a single torch, just in time to see something disapear around the bend of a hallway. I quickly ran over to the door and peered both ways. There was nothing there, so I turned around and it melted through the wall behind me. It looked the exact way you described. I turned to run but it touched me in the back and I died. He's been pursuing me for weeks. He usually keeps his distance unless I try to lose him by jumpng off a cliff into water or something. Then he just appears behind me and kills me. Its insane! He follows me through all my worlds and into any of my house! He never explodes he just thumps against me. His hissing haunts me. Its creeping me out. Did a new computer work? I only have one computer and It followed me onto an offbrand even! Please help!

    1. This happened to a friend you got to do the ritual to get rid of it first do exactly as I say get a dirt block a nether rack a end stone block set them all on fire burn red stone in the dirt burn glow stone in the nether rack and a end pearl in the end stone then STOP DO NOT DO ANYTHING or nothing will happen wait for the blocks to stop burning then put out the "final fire" if this does not work do it over again but with new blocks not the same ones but next time kill your self in the "final fire" if this does not work your not dealing with "the cloud" it must be another monstrosity like the "it" so do the ritual for the it or it may be the weakest of of the group but the most common heroblind but it's most likely "the cloud" at least that's what it sounds like and another option is accept it


  14. ME TOO! It tried to burn my house down while I was in it. I died from the flames and it walked over to my body as the screen zoomed in on it. I'm not too big into minecraft so I just stopped playing.

  15. Um, I'll just have my suspension of disbelief. 'twas a good story, but I'd like a follow-up.

  16. What would be really awesome would be if you got emails from an anonymous source and saw pictures of your Minecraft character from the front and there was a black hand at the bottom right of the screen.

  17. it gives a goal,and that is nice good luck with that thing man.
    (btw it could be a golem elemental....)

    1. oh my god no they should not this is as scary as crap!!!!!!!

    2. Scary as crap? Crap isn't scary. It's just disgusting and smells bad like you. Trololololol.

  18. someone should make a mod of this

    1. no green golam only snow and iron

  19. guys this isnt a mod its probably a character that was made but too overpowered and creepy the the maker scrapd it from the game but kept the file. some one hcakced into the file and put it into some corupted game. then put it up for download. that would explain why multiple people have run itno it.

  20. This is just Herobrine on steroids. That is, good story, but it's completely bullshit.

    1. ha!!!

      i personally think that somehow the >miner< took drugs because it was an entity made out of gravel
      or he could of downloaded the popular living blocks mod

  21. dude i got exactly the same thing... wont let me screenshot it or nothing :S... its a square green thing with like a block face. gooey monster. i managed to trap him in my mine and surround him with glass so i can decide what to do with it :S. i can kill it as my first response to being chased by something would be to attack it. it doesnt instant kill, but it does hit for 2-3 hearts. will try get a vid as screenshot aint working and post it on here for all to see :) peace

  22. This is why I'm afraid of playing on Singleplayer.

  23. Also, did it make "hissing" noises like a creeper? because it could be some texture glitches and stuff.

    1. That is possible, as on my latest SSP I have encountered an invisible creepr :S

    2. This happened to a friend you got to do the ritual to get rid of it first do exactly as I say get a dirt block a nether rack a end stone block set them all on fire burn red stone in the dirt burn glow stone in the nether rack and a end pearl in the end stone then STOP DO NOT DO ANYTHING or nothing will happen wait for the blocks to stop burning then put out the "final fire" if this does not work do it over again but with new blocks not the same ones but next time kill your self in the "final fire" if this does not work your not dealing with "the cloud" it must be another monstrosity like the "it" so do the ritual for the it or it may be the weakest of of the group but the most common heroblind but it's most likely "the cloud" at least that's what it sounds like and another option is accept it


  24. Creepy story.
    Maybe its like a new creature that they decided to test on someone and you were just so happened to be picked by them?
    sorry if this isn't any help lol

    1. This happened to a friend you got to do the ritual to get rid of it first do exactly as I say get a dirt block a nether rack a end stone block set them all on fire burn red stone in the dirt burn glow stone in the nether rack and a end pearl in the end stone then STOP DO NOT DO ANYTHING or nothing will happen wait for the blocks to stop burning then put out the "final fire" if this does not work do it over again but with new blocks not the same ones but next time kill your self in the "final fire" if this does not work your not dealing with "the cloud" it must be another monstrosity like the "it" so do the ritual for the it or it may be the weakest of of the group but the most common heroblind but it's most likely "the cloud" at least that's what it sounds like and another option is accept it


  25. Oh you've met it to?! :D

  26. Sorry I'm a hacker and accidentally added something to get back at someone there for hacking me....sorry if it messed up your game dude.

  27. @Charlie- That is a creeper.
    I haven't run into it yet...

  28. Great now im scared to log back into minecraft.
    Just a bit ago something tried pushing me into a pit of lava, wich i barely dodged, and as i tried to get back up where i was above the lava pit my char started spazzing and moving really weird on its own, afraid to die and lose my items i logged out, I hope its not the same thing you got cuz im really far from my spawn point and i get scared easy.

    @Charlie: Like Anonymous above said, it's just a creeper, kill it.

  29. @charlie its called a slime look it up

  30. I know its really creepy and has really pissed me off a lot. I got a hit on it once but then it got me. Sounds just like what i have and it is scary for pixels even!!!!!!!!!!1

  31. Yay, finally someone that met this "thing". I've builded a very nice tower, with a water surrounding it. Then i climbed up a ladder to have a look of whole world around me. While just climbing through window i saw a weird brown creature with red thing on the head. It looked like it was made from dirt blocks. I can't tell if it was a circle or square, because it was a little bit far. I thought it's something hard to kill with a rare drop so i equiped my bow and came down to my doors. I got fucking scaried when i saw that thing just in front of my player. Doors were destroyed. I quickly climb ladder up and walled in 2nd floor. I searched my inventory for a bucket of lava, quickly destroyed the wall that i made a while ago and let the lava fall to lower floor. Waited a minute, put lava back into bucket and get down. And just in while i got down i died. when i respawned i've got a message of my house was obstructed etc. So i get back to my home and realised that my torches were missing and there were some gold and diamond blocks. I quickly put new torches and mined new rare blocks in my house and happy made new doors. Night came so i fell asleep. When i wake i saw that thing and died again. I quit game and deleted the save, cause i didn't want to play scared that this thing will kill me anytime it wants.. I didn't hear any hissssss sounds, cause i had volume on 0%.

    1. Ever think that its 'eye' sounds like a target? If it was a mod, you could've tried shooting the yellow inner circle with a bow. Just a thought lol.

  32. Yes i have encountered something that looks somewhat like you describe and i have towers all over my single player lands...

    But i use more creeps and weirdos mod and those are 2 different mobs: the tower builders are mad scientists and the other thing is just a gravel monster...

    No i am not suggesting that the game is haunted but i had a friend have a similar thing happen to him, though it was one of the default mobs that changed behaviour :s

    I have 2 theories as to what could cause this: 1 - Mods even if not described in the mod post it can be a mob hidden in the mod which would explain why others claim to have seen it as well and 2 - Psychic energy might actually be able to build up in electrical appliances which would explain the human like level of intelligence described...

    The above theories is just for your amusement as i remain sceptical but i have experienced weird things myself including seeing a face in the static when i shut off an old monitor my mom had when i lived with the folks and i know it wasnt just random static as it was too detailed and happened more than once...

    As for what happened to my friend: The sheep changed behaviour and started to attack him :s not the biggest threat i know but they changed behaviour while he was playing and i was watching O.o Believe that or not i dont care but it was really weird (not creepy weird just weird weird)

  33. i saw that..thing today
    i swear
    i saw it underwater i was exploring underwater but i stayed off it it was scary

  34. i saw it in multiplayer by the way

  35. btw when i saw it underwater it was like a pasta with lots of arms opening and closing, opening and closing
    i dont know how it looks like i only saw the pasta i was underwater and it was DARK

  36. To the person who saw "this" underwater:
    What you saw was a squid...

  37. Same here!!!!! I was exploring when night came so I dug under ground and put up 7 torches then I put my bed down I awoke in the night pitch black then I died! I respawned and it said my house was obstructed or missing! What is this monster really?

  38. >Bought Minecraft

    I stopped there.


  39. that sounds odd
    what do you think it is?

  40. you know what? Notch actually commented about putting mobs that would have prefixes like: Cobblestone Creeper,Fire Zombies,etc.
    I know this one's fake and all,but wouldn't it be cool to have a mob that mimicks surrounding blocks like a golem made out of them and gets special characteristics from each type of block? (like cobblestone making it more resistant,obsidian making it temporaly immortal as long as its near it's obsidian source,lava making it leave a trail of fire,etc.) ? I think so.

  41. and... Inu himself said it's fictional,what's wrong with you guys thinking it's real? O.o

    edit: captcha just called my comment "litter". funny.

  42. It is the legendary Herobine's cousin! Although this is obviously fake it's a good story. Maybe we can even get one of the Mo'Creatures-style modders to add something like this! XD

    1. this is in the mo' creatures mod ive seen it. when i saw it well this is were i came...

    2. Just downloaded the Mo'Creatures, my version is the 1.7.2 i'll kill that bitch! red circles? FUCK IT Minecraft will only have squares!

  43. one of the mods you downloaded may have included this. it may be a creeper skin? hissss BOOM. no visual explosion becuase of mod.

  44. Could you lease post a picture if yes thanks. i really want to see the creature

  45. Try to get it into a multiplayer game then ask somone to look at it, if you can only see it then that means your game is hacked or modded but if everyone can see it it means that the game it self must have the creature. Either that or everyone's client is hacked and/or modded on the server.

  46. it could be herobrine, just without the skin because i looked up herobrine and it said he can build stuff and try to kill you and is nearly invincible, and notch removed herobrine which means there may be a herobrine, but since he removed it a hacker (or whoever started the legecy of herobrine) may have used the code of herobrine and just made a new skin for it.

  47. You couild also try and report this to Notch or Jeb

  48. It may be this:

  49. I knew I saw something like this before, right after I downloaded some mods with new Mobs. Exept this one was more creepier, and made of Bedrock, so I couldn't kill it. I looked up on the mods I downloaded, but it said that there are no Bedrock monsters (BM). I also emailed the owners of those mods, and they said that there isn't nothing similar to it. So, then I built a house in the Aether world. Even though, I saw the Enderman (From a mod) In my house, so I killed it. Later on, I found the BM by a Gold Dungeon, somehow guarding it from me. I decided to turn "freeze" on with the single player commands. That didn't work. It froze the other Mobs, but not the BM. It actually just kept moving. I turned Freeze off, and decided to find a Silver Dungeon. A BM was guarding that too, but this one was different. As soon as I got kinda close to it, it made a sound from an Arch-Vile from the game called Doom 3. I wondered if one of those mods had Doom 3 sounds, but I don't think that would be possible in Minecraft. Doom 3 sounds are too realistic for a game like Minecraft. Soon, I built a tower, guarded by Friendly Creepers (From Elemental Creepers mod). A BM somehow killed the creepers without even touching them, so now it was time to end this. I typed in "killall" in the Single Player Commands, and it disappeared, and it NEVER came back. I wonder what created it...

    1. Lying over a few letters and numbers on a screen is very easy.

  50. I saw him. Not unusual to me, I saw him few times. I managed to hit it though (because it dissapears after you try to kill him) it makes some sound like a horse. Way to get rid of him though: Trap him somewhere and build a new world.

  51. It must be a creeper that was reskinned and modded by a mod. Dissapearing torches could be a bug caused by a mod.

  52. i had the same thing happen to me and i was able to kill it i waited for it to come and find me and i set up a trap for it i had a lot of TNT in a deep hole and when it found me and chased me i ran over the bridge i made and he fell in then i threw in some fire and he died he didn't drop any thing but i haven't seen him for months

  53. This is pretty much another 100% true story about minecraft
    I was making a house out of stone (seriously, why would I do that?)I was about to finish my house when a purple timer with about 00:10:30 appeared on my screen. I was totally freaked out because I thought I was about to be banned. But when the timer was 00:00:00 I looked out my window and saw NOTCH. I was proud (lol) I walked up to notch and told him about this creepypasta and he responded "I'm sure proud, you have discovered my secret patch. I never put it down in the updates, I wanted to see who would find out." I'm like "I didn't discover it." Then notch randomly left the game. I was angry and then I just went into my house. I looked out my window again but saw this stone looking thing with diamond eyes and white-stone color. It totally freaked me out, I went outside to investigate and my minecraft showed a picture of my character looking outside the window while that - mysterious thing again - sneaked up on me and killed me. I found this very odd sense minecraft wasn't like that. I decided to leave minecraft for 5-7 days to see if it was there. I came back 6 days later and saw the same thing. It kept doing that forever, I finally decided to leave minecraft for a month, When i came back. It was still there, it was very annoying, so I decided to delete minecraft and play it next year (2012). So im waiting to see what will happen.

  54. If there was a way to put pictures on here, I would put it on here. (above, Me, picture of the creature I saw.)

  55. I found this creature and print-screened instead of screenshotting.

  56. ^
    no way, it's real!!!!

  57. Ahem, I know half of the fact of the story. If you find a tunnel that you dug but the lights are missing and your tunnel is longer than you remember, you are being hunted by Herobrine. In fact, it happens sometimes. It happened twice to me.

  58. EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THIS: 1.Herobrine is mod required and always has been never in the game. 2.If you get a mod you can be killed by any means the maker has given to kill you it could kill you instantly or kill you just by looking at it (not kidding).

  59. creepy shit man

    i play minecraft for free so i never seen the monster but i beleve u

  60. yo thats messed up but i so believe it and if your using mods it just add to the possibility of how you got it others seem to have this as well some one on here said some thing really cool you should place a sign down when you see him/it if it mimes you it will place one as well try to read its sign. also i was just playing and a black person appeared and when i turned around it diapered with purple explosion do any1 no what that is because it looks bad ass it has a funny song when it appears i don't have mods so its a real creeper

  61. ive heard stories of creatures that appear out of no where and instantly kill players on contact. whether it
    be herobrine, or some kind of reptilian creature or
    this thing youve told us about, i really want answers about these things.

  62. Creepy. You never know, it could be a hack, though. If not, that's just creepy and I'm sorry you kept getting killed thats just unfair. O_o I know how it feels...

  63. i can see what things look like just by reading the words i know what this creature is

  64. Hi, I am a new player at Minecraft I only played tree days, and I already have two storys for you.

    One night I was walking down the florest and I saw a spider and I was attacking it (I had my life full) when I died in the middle of nowhere, it might be the samething who atacked me in my backs

    The other story was about Herobrine, it was night again and I stayed very quite so nothing bad append to me but it was the opposite! I saw a shadow moving very far away, it was him, the mystic character! He started to walk on the opposite way, and...BOOM!! He was right next to me still walking(I am not sure if it was Herobrine, because I couldn't see his eyes, I only saw his back and his side). I was so scare that I disconnected from the server!

    These stories only append on two days, today I haven't played very much (I only played in multi player with my friend)

    1. There might have been a dugeon or the game bugged for the first incident, the second one might be an Easter egg on the server(look on YouTube, plenty of Herobrine pranks) or you just got NOOBED by an enderman.

  65. I have never heard of this thing, but i think i have some good suggestions to prove this thing exists, what version of minecraft do (or did) you own? is that version known to have a lot of bugs? is it Alpha or beta? does it behave anything like Herobrine? if so, try this thing that i learned for Herobrine. Find it, put down a sign that says hugz? then see what happens. if this thing keeps killing and stalking you, then im sorry, ill try 2 get u more info. also, i only made my name Herobrine cuz i think he is awsome.

  66. I'm having a creepy problem with a wierd skyscraper thing like a mountain where i have my base but inside the skyscraper mountain thing is a exact copy of my house exept my big chest is invisble and i cant open it and i found it by hitting around inside the house i cant use the furnace the bed is in the exact place i placed it in and the torches are where i placed them but i cant get to my mine and its in the same world the real house is. Whats going on?

    1. How far are u form the first spawn point, the closer u get to the farmlands, the more buggy the game is, it might duplicate chunk too.

    2. So if i start farming the game may crash? :) Got da joke?

  67. I'm a new minecraft player but I think the mob is
    Herobrine. True story: On the first day of minecraft,
    at night a weird looking zombie came but with glowing white eyes. But it was herobrine. So I used my dirt block and kill herobrine. But did he die?
    But please herobrine died.

  68. Perhaps you could get the too many items mod and if u see it u could switch to creative mode. If it killed u then, that would definitely mean that something's up.

    Btw hope this helps.

  69. It happened to me too!This was in creative mode. I made a GIGANTIC house made of cobblestone. When I finally closed the last block of my house, There was a scary sound. The same as you encountered. I went outside and waited until night. I went back in and heard that noise again. My setting was in peacful mode. I flew to the top of some random roof and heard footsteps. But no one was walking. This was a super-flat world and I found this village. I thought the sound had something to do with herobrine. But it wasnt. I saw the same thing as you.It didnt do anything.After 2 minecraft night I went back to the house. I saw that Thing. It did nothing. 2-5 seconds when it saw me it turned transparent and disappeared. Im too scared to change my mode too anything except peacful.

  70. Maybe you could just play in creative mode, preventing that creature from invading the game.

  71. By the way, does anybody have a seed that has herobrines in it? Coz I could help you prove that it exist or something, maybe?

  72. Iv experienced that before i had an end stone castle and i saw him. he was made of an end stone on bottom and obsidian top. i was confused so i went to the wiki nothing there? i got a screenshot of it it had a blue "eye" as well as a red "eye". it kiled me in 1 touch so i deleatid my world and i never saw him again.?

  73. a friend of mine told me of some strange failmob that looks like blocks, but teleports away from you when looked at directly. he said that it cou;d alter the terrain to it's advantage, but only had a 1 to 10,000 chance of spawning. he said it only would spawn in places far from spawn where the terrain didn't generate correctly. but he said that if they are killed, they drop diamonds. my current minecraft journey: hunt it down and eat it's young.

  74. It is true i just fell in to a cave under bedrock and mcreepy mine music played now im to scared to go in that world :b

  75. I dont know what the crap this is, but i havent
    encountered this creature, or herobrine, but i think he
    could spawn 10-20000 blocks away from spawn, the farther
    away u r from spawn, the better the chance he has of spawning, ive tried wiking it, but nothing, ive started several worlds to find these two, ill see you guys in a month!

  76. Try shooting it with a bow and arrow. If you levitate and then burst into flames then you got a problem.

  77. lol good story i got scared at a moment becouse im a sucker for horror storys i get so scared but i know your just making up a story you should make books i would read them you are very creative

  78. Have u ever wondered if u just found the Easter egg? And I was in my newly made house and I heard this hissing sound... It kept growing louder and louder. I left the game and then it stopped. I didn't see that monster though...

  79. Hmm, I only play offline, singleplayer (guess why...), for about a week now. The game is indeed addicting as fu. Creepy or not I will be joining the online community soon for it will be money well spent. I ended up here because the minecraft wiki and other sources didnt help me much.

    The first three days of play nothing strange happened besides me neglecting my other hobbies. ;) I discovered my first tools, blocks, build a little house-y, started over about ten times, and eventually managed to build up a nice estate, windows, fences, a farm, nice wall around it, a mote, the works. And ofcourse my own little mine-entrance.

    I first dug out a tunnel all the way underneath my wall, surrounding my 'estate'. Then I used the space in the center to dig out a big underground room (about ten blocks deep, twenty by fourty) to make sure no creepy stuff was hiding below my home. That is when I encountered my first enderman. After naively attacking it a few times and eventually accepting it as a resident of my underground dwellings, I got used to its angry-sounds and learned not to look it in the face. It seemed to only move around in the darker ends of my new tunnels and the more torches I placed on the pillars in my 'central station' the less I ran into it below ground.

    Now, I had already secured a nice area around my home by putting a fence outside my mote with some torches four spaces apart, lighting my land like a christmastree. My wall was a nice spot to shoot zombies and skeletons at night, perfecting (ahem) my bow skills. But on my fourth day of playing strange things began to happen.

    Around my wall it began to swarm with endermen at night. My underground neighbour didn't show anymore, but his entire family now roamed the surroundings of my 'estate'. That was not the strange part to me besides the fact that I had read endermen were supposed to be rare above ground. I figured I had simply dug closely to a cave or whatever, and the creepies now came to the surface as the world below was as bright as day.

    But for the past two days, whenever I am working underground on my tunnels that lead out of my 'central station' or venture a little to far from my estate and dig around a bit in caves or whatever, I hear the weirdest, creepiest sound. That is where this 'story' got to me.

    I keep hearing a noise that sounds just like static, no music, no tones, just static, growing louder and louder. Sometimes it gets really loud and then just stops. When I run the sounds first gets a bit louder and then softens before it goes away. I only died the first time I heard it, and had no idea what it was. I have never seen what causes this sound but it is unnerving as hell, especially when you're wearing headphones and the volume seems to have doubled for no reason.

    Now, I do not play online, I use no mods, and I did not mess with the gamedata. I'm not saying there is a ghost in the machine, maybe I just have a corrupted file or something, but you have to admit. This is weird!

    1. this has happened to me to!!!!!!!!! So i was building a house and i saw 3 ENDERMEN like 15 blocks away then my friend dared me to stare at on then the noise got so loud i went to the title screen and the noise got louder and louder and then died... but since it is a glitch there is nothing to worry about. hope this help -John

    2. Yes, probably a bug, or a glitch from upgrading the game, or a virus. Even though the game is making millions, it could be easy to forget that this is an indie game, and they tend to be buggy, but if u report it, the next few updates should do the trick! Just like the walls murdering horses that w e got from the horse update(fixed).

  80. i know who is that in the story that you all saying it is Herobrine.If you don know who is herobrine go check in google

  81. I think it is a hacker.Try Roblox? Maybe?

  82. i found it to but my experiance was way worse im 10 years old and im scared for life becouse of this just typing this in is scairing the fuck out of me and i am
    trying to record this thing in a video so i can show that its real. let me you why i think my experience
    is worse. ok so my story is the same as most of yours
    but the diference was, im a fallout fan so was trying to build a vault with tekkit and vault was done and
    all i needed was to conect all the lighting to the main control room after i did that i activated all the systems to see if they were runing smoothly and they were so i deactivated the systems and wanted to check if the power grid was ok then i went to the entrance and i sudently herd extreamly loud screaching then a boom noise like in slender it went boom..boom.......boom......boom.boom.boom.boom.boomboom boomboomboomboomboom then i turned around slowly and he was there and i yeled and screamed then he killed me
    and that is the last time i will ever play minecraft on the computer but i might play on the xbox version becouse that is not scairy

  83. You know he is lying because he said he was a fairly normal guy in the beginning.

  84. Lord herobrine said he was trying something new... I gess that's what he ment... unless your lying

  85. Maybe it's an Easter egg some unknown programmer put in to mess up ur game. It might have been that he programmed it with a ver Very VERY small chance of appearing in ur game. Or it is just one of those creepy glitches from bad programming or conflicting mods(I saw a video of an exploding pig somewhere,and the mod maker said it somehow changed the code for creepers and pigs), or maybe the file is corrupted, and u wouldn't know because to use mods, u have to delete META.INF which is the file checking if any game data changed.(Again, splodin' piggies).

  86. Really creepy. It makes my soul out of me. But from most comment i've seen above, looks like its a secret mod creature, maybe from MCA (which may earn you the secret hardcore achivement) or Utility golems.

  87. Anyone else get a weird creepy feeling like someones watching you on single player like me? Cause im on peaceful hearing clicking noises and shadows on vanilla

  88. maybe a creeper....

  89. I saw him in the distance a long time ago when i was playing

  90. If this is real... perhaps you dug too deep? or hit a hidden area for this..creature... to spawn? And perhaps now the code is in the origial minecraft coding which is why it doesnt go away when you restart or change worlds? I dont know.. it was a wild guess

  91. if its real, report to mojang.

  92. Lol probably some wannabe hacker that wnts to be like herobrine (=

  93. Dude this same thing happened to me but i was building ahl house and i see it not normal it didnt go after me but i was on a server with my sister and you kbow how if you have two monitors and you can like move to the other screen with the mouse it was like that it just moved right on my sisters monitor and mimiced her at first i videoed it and then BOOM when i uploaded it it just turned into static like the whatever it is i eventually just started playing multiplayer never had a problem since ty for reading buh bye

  94. Hey its probably a every weird mod that infects other devises

  95. This isn't too rare, actually. I always had the feeling of being watched in SSP 1.1. I was building a house and a minecart track to take me from one of my houses to another, and it was in the night. I felt weird, like I was gonna be murdered in real life. I started cheating then, changing gamemodes with mods. I was gonna make a little 3x2 opening door with sticky pistons, but again, it was night, and I felt like I was being watched. A word popped into my mind, and it happened to be Herobrine. I felt horrified, though nothing had happened. I was always hearing loads of cave noises, even when I was above ground at midday on a creative superflat world. Now remember: the 1.1 update was the only update which didn't say ~Removed Herobrine on the update log.

  96. I believe you. I have also seen it on my cousin's minecraft profile. It was very creepy that I almost left the wolf I tamed.

  97. Hey! Maybe that is the mob chasing a player in disc 11!!!

  98. why dont you just open paint and try to paint him? look, i will paste a imgur of EVERY mob in the code of the game (unless you got mods, there are not more entities) :

    also, what version of the game?

  99. Nice cheats and things like that but good thing nobody Don't cares about your spam so it'll be a great thing to society if you post it somewhere else with people actually interested with it.
