...then TEN years in the chamber I built where all the robots scream at you...

Thursday, November 18, 2010


"Mom," said the little girl, rubbing her eyes and standing in the doorway to her mother's room.

"Mom, the Easter Bunny is eating my candy," she said.

"Nonsense, baby," the woman replied. "The Easter Bunny gives out candy, he doesn't eat it..."

The woman lightly shook her covers and continued to speak, halfway into her pillow and halfway to her daughter, "Go back to sleep, baby..."

"But, mom," the girl said. "The Easter Bunny is eating candy!" She now spoke in a more serious tone, almost as if she were going to cry.
Her mother sat up and opened her arms. "Baby, I just told you. The Easter Bunny doesn't eat candy, he hands it out to little children. Besides, it's not even Easter yet. Go back to sleep," she said in her kindest voice.

"Okay, mom," the child sighed as she turned to walk out the room.

The woman smiled and thought, 'Crazy kid with her lively imagination,' and went back to sleep on a whim.

Out in the hallway, the little girl stood for a while staring at the Easter Bunny eating her candy. She then sighed. "Mommy said I should go back to bed."

The Easter Bunny smiled. "Good idea, child. Turn around and don't look back."

He flicked a shiny metal pendant at the child. She picked it up and cried as she saw what it was: it was a dog tag and it read 'Candy.'


  1. That sounded more like something I'd see on Newgrounds. Something that has a sick sense of humor. Nice work, though.

  2. First time I read this:what?
    Second time I read this: OH SH-

  3. And thus the child learned a hard lesson about the importance of being precise in the English language.

  4. I'm an animal lover, so that made my heart skip a beat and I wanted to cry. Nice work though! :D And the second anonymous was right, I'd like to see this as a video on Newgrounds. :3

  5. This is a rip off of a Fewdio Youtube video.

  6. Yeah. This random just watched something by FEWDIO and converted it into text.
    What a poser.

  7. This didn't scare me. I understood it the first time I read it, but...meh. Seemed kind of obvious...

  8. Would have been better if he was eating a hooker/stripper.

  9. At first I was like: ...Mkay, he ate some sugar.

    And then I was like: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  10. This is a lot sadder then it is scary.

  11. Wow...
    So twisted!!!
    Very sad...
    But good.

  12. The Fewdio horror video this is based off of is a lot better.

  13. so sad :( *cried a bit inside*

  14. when i first saw dog tag, i was thinking of the military kind

  15. Yeah, I was thinking of the military necklace thing.
