Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Squidward's Suicide

I want to start off by saying that if you want an answer at the end, prepare to be disappointed. There isn't one and I don't think there will ever be.

I was an intern at Nickelodeon Studios for a year back in 2005 for my degree in animation. I wasn't paid, of course, but most internships aren't. It did have some perks beyond education, though. To adults, it might not seem like a big one, but most kids at the time would have shit themselves over it.

Since I worked directly with the editors and animators, I got to view new episodes of cartoons days before they were aired.

I'll get right to the point without giving too unnecessary details. They had very recently made the Spongebob movie and the entire staff was somewhat sapped of creativity. It took them a little longer to start up the new season, sure, but the delay actually lasted longer for more upsetting reasons related to the season four premiere.

Two other interns and I were in the editing room along with the lead animators and sound editors for the final cut. We received the copy that was supposed to be "Fear of a Krabby Patty," and gathered around the screen to watch.

Now, given that everything isn't finalized at that point, animators often put up a mock title card as a joke with phony, often times lewd, titles like "How Sex Doesn't Work" instead of "Rock-a-by Bialve," the episode where Spongebob and Patrick adopt a baby Sea Scallop. There's nothing particularly funny except for a few work-related chuckles.

When we saw the title card "Squidward's Suicide," we didn't think it was anything more than a morbid joke. One of the interns did a small throat laugh at it. The happy-go-lucky music played as normal.

The story began as many of them do: Squidward was practicing his clarinet, hitting a few sour notes like usual. We hear Spongebob laughing outside and Squidward stops, yelling at him to keep it down. He mentioned something about a concert that night he needed to practice for.

Spongebob complies and goes to see Sandy with Patrick. The bubbles splash screen comes up and it has cut to the ending of Squidward's concert. This is where things begin to seem off, in a bad way.

While playing, a few frames repeat themselves and the sound doesn't. At this point, sound is synched up with the animation, so that isn't very common. When he stops playing, the sound finishes as if the skip never happened, too. There's a slight murmuring in the crowd before everyone begins to boo him.

This wasn't the normal cartoon booing that's common in the show. You could clearly hear malice in it. Squidward was in full frama nd looked visibly afraid. The shot cut to the crowd, with Spongebob in center frame. He, too, is booing. It was very much unlike him. However, that wasn't the oddest thing.

The oddest thing was that everyone had hyper-realistic eyes. They were very detailed. They weren't shots of real people's eyes, but something a bit more real than CGI. The pupils were red, too. Some of us looked at each other, obviously confused, but since we weren't the writers we didn't question its appeal to children...yet.

The shot cuts to Squidward as he sat on the edge of his bed, looking forlorn. The view out of his porthole window was of a night sky, so it probably wasn't very long after the concert.

At this point, there was no sound. There was LITERALLY no sound. There wasn't even feedback from the speakers in the room. It was as if the speakers were turned off, though their status showed them working perfectly.

Squidward simply sat there, blinking, in this silence for about thirty seconds until he began to sof softly. He put his tentacles over his eyes and cried quietly for a full minute more, all the while a sound in the background slowly growing from nothing to barely audible. It sounded like a slight breeze through a forest.

The screen slowly began to zoom in on his face. By slowly, I mean it was only noticeable if you look at shots ten seconds apart side by side. His sobbing got louder and louder, more full of hurt and anger.

The screen twitched for a split second, as if it twisted in on itself, before returning to normal. The wind-through-the-trees sound slowly got louder and louder - more severe, too - as if a storm was brewing somewhere.

The eerie part was that this sound and Squidward's sobbing sounded real. It was as if the sound wasn't coming from the speakers, but as if the speakers were holes the sound was coming through from the other side. As good quality as the studio likes to have, they don't purchase the equipment to be good enough to produce sound of that quality.

Below the sound of the wind and sobbing was something that sounded like faint laughing. It came at odd intervals and never lasted more than a second, so you had a hard time pinning it. After 30 seconds of this, the screen blurred and twitched vilently as something flashed over the screen like a subliminal image.

The lead animation editor paused and rewound frame by frame. What was saw was horrible.

It was a still photo of a dead child. He couldn't have been more than six years old. His face was mangled and bloodied. One eye was popped out and dnagling over his upturned face. he was naked, down to his underwear, and his stomach was crudely cut open with his entrails lying beside him.

He was lying on some pavement. The most upsetting part was there was the shadow of the photographer visible. There was no cripe tape, no evidence bags or markers, and the angle was completely off for a shot designed to be evidence. It would seem the photographer was the person responsible for the child's death.

We were, of course, mortified. However, we pressed on, hoping it was just a sick joke. The screen flipped back to Squidward, still sobing. He was louder than before and only half of his body was in the frame. There was no what appeared to be blood running down his face from his eyes.

The blood was also done in a hyper-realistic style. It looked as if you touched it, you'd get blood on your fingers. The wind sounded as if it were a gale blowing through a forest. There were even snapping sounds of branches.

The laughing, a deep baritone, lasted longer and came more frequently. After about twenty seconds, the screen again twisted and showed another single-frame photo.

The editor was reluctant to go back, as we all were, but we knew he had to. This time, the photo was that of what appeared a little girl no older than the first child. She was lying on her stomach, her barrettes in a pool of blood next to her. Her left eye, too, was popped out and she was naked except for underpants. Her entrails were piled on top of her above a crude cut along her back.

Again, the body on the street and the photographer's shadow was visible. It was very similar in shape and size to the first. I had to choke back vomit and one intern, the only female in the room, ran out.

The show resumed. About five seconds after this second photo, all sound stopped like it was when this scene started. Squidward put his tentacles down and his eyes were done in a hyper-realistic style like the others in the beginning of the episode.

They were bleeding, bloodshot and pulsating. He stared at the screen, as if watching the viewer. After ten seconds, he started sobbing. This time, he wasn't covering his eyes at all.

The sound was piercing and loud. The most fear-inducing part of all of this was his sobbing. It was mixed in with screams. Tears and blood were dripping down Squidward's face at a heavy rate.

The wind sound came back and so did the deep-voiced laughing. The next still photo lasted for a good five frames. The animator was able to stop it on the fourth and backed up.

This time, the photo was of a boy about the same age as other children, but the scene was different. The entrails were just being pulled out from a stomach wound by a large hand. The boy's right eye was popped and dangling with blood trickling down it. The animator proceeded. The next was different, though we couldn't tell how.

He went to the next after that, and it was the same thing. He went back to the first and played them quicker. I lost it, vomiting on the floor. The animating and sound editors were gasping at the screen.

The file frames were not as if they were five different photos. They were played out as if they were frames from a video. We saw the hand slowly lift out the guts, we saw the kid's eyes focus on it, and we even saw two frames of him beginning to blink.

The lead sound editor told us to stop. He had to call in the creator to see it. Mr. Hillenburg arrived within fifteen minutes. He was confused as to why he was called down there, so the editor continued the episode.

Once the few frames were shown, all sound again stopped. Squidward was staring at the viewer, his entire face in the frame, for about three seconds. The shot quickly panned out and that deep voice said, "DO IT." The next thing we see is a shotgun in Squidward's hands.

He immediately puts the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. Realistic blood and brain matter splattered the wall and bed behind him. He flies back from the force. The last five seconds of the episode show his body on the bed, on his side, with one eye dangling on what's left of his head above the floor, staring blankly at it. The episode ends there.

Mr. Hillenburg was obviously angry about it. He demanded to know what the hell was going on. Most people left the room at that point, so it was just a handful of us to watch it again. Viewing the episode twice only served to imprint the entirety of it into my mind and caused me horrible nightmares. I'm sorry I stayed.

The only theory we could think of was that someone in the chain from the drawing studio to here edited the file. The CTO was called into analyze when it happened. The analysis of the file did show it was edited over by new material.

However, the timestamp of it happening was a mere 24 seconds before we began viewing it. All equipment involved was examined for foreign software and hardware, as well as glitches - as if the time stamp may have glitched and showed the wrong time - but everything checked out fine.

We don't know what happened and, to this day, nobody does. There was a police investigation due to the nature of the photos, but nothing came of it. No child seen was identified and no clues were gathered from the data involved or physical clues in the photos.

I never believed in unexplainable phenomena before, but now that I've seen it for myself...if something happens and I can't prove anything about it beyond anecdotal evidence, I think twice about things.

Apparently, there was an actual 2min clip of Squiddy's Suicide on Youtube, and this is a screencap of it.

(Read the sequel here.)


  1. omfg that pic is the scariest part of this entire story. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I seriously glanced at the top half and was so freaked out by it that I had to cover the pic with my hand as I scrolled down.

    1. I did the same thing, and then I was like "oh grow a pair, it can't be that scary!". Biggest. Mistake. EVER. The picture really DOES stare at you. This story is just horrifying. I can't even imagine how it was to see it in it's entirety...

    2. i grew a pair. then i took an arrow to the pair.

    3. If you think about it this , "Awww poor Squidward, they booed him and he sobbed for a long time :(" But I couldn't, What the blizz man! And the picture OH. MY. GLOB! Creepy!

    4. all i saw was the eyes and i dont think i can sleep tonight

    5. I will NEVER sleep again. Well its time to go look at puppies

    6. I did the same. I'm freaked so much time to try and watch something cute and funny... 0_0

    7. the childs pictures it sounds so wrong
      squidward looks like death

    8. i watched the video but it didnt show the pictures.I was freaked out with his eyes.

    9. alexa its me tyler your brother and the eyes weren't creepy that show wasnt scary

    10. That fucking face scared the shit out of me! But I grew a pair an stred back for 10 seconds... Then cried in fear and was mortified. This story definatly deserves a thumbs up, like, share and upvote for detail and a lifetime off free nightmares

  2. yeah, absolutely the same reaction as katie. holy shit.

  3. I've been looking at a few different posts and intentionally scaring myself tonight, and as it goes the more stuff you look at the lower your defenses are. I'm not the type to believe any of that stuff, and I don't, but fuck me if I didn't scroll up and move on as soon as I got down to the top half of the picture.

  4. I cant stand that show, but even I thought that was a fucked up picture. It looked freakin demonic.

  5. Hard to disprove this one.

    It's been reported and documented.

    1. URL or did not happen

    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_y-dL80mwI
      Footage of some sort!

  6. I'll be honest, the image ruined it for me. I thought the story was spooky until I saw it, but it seems that's just me.

  7. i had tears of fear streaming down my face halfway through the first childs picture description. i am severley creeped.

  8. The EYES. God, I saw that around midnight, and was up past four AM. The eyes are CREEPY. I think they raped my Spongebob-filled childhood.

  9. A person described the noise as "chewbacca taking a monster dump". After that description, the video will be like a comedy routine, trust.

    1. that ish about noise in the woods made me picture some1 bein dragged... made it soooo much creepier lol

  10. I was too scared to sleep with the lights off last night, I kid you not. I lost sleep just because of that picture. It haunted me all night and tonight I will most likely be too afraid to sleep in the dark again. This is truely scary right down to my spine.

    But who did this? How did it get there? Are demons really capable of manipulating a cartoon? Are those photographs real? So many questions and yet I find myself believing that this is paranormal. No sane human could possible make that.

    1. read the 2nd part it makes sense of it

  11. I know it's bad because I'm sitting here at work in the middle of the day in an office full of people by a window looking out at a busy street (ie the least fear-inducing environment possible) and I'm literally jumping at every little noise I hear.

  12. When it says if it's edited, couldn't someone have made that, sneaked into the room, and copy/pasted the code or whatever in place of the episode?

  13. Holy shit, did this really happen??? Whoever made THIS episode has a sick mind indeed...

  14. i looked at the picture a while after i read the thing while playing unfitting music (unfitting music -> http://www.youtube.com/user/Razzyness#p/u/33/eaUSBGiXhAU)

  15. This story seemed very realistic, the picture... Eh it wasn't that scary, but the descriptions of the dead children made me want to throw up.

  16. :l Fail. would better if they had an actual clip still << I can't find the actual clip x.x and the story is probably as much as detailed as it can, but << weak sauce, I'd like to see it on my own 8D now thats something worth my thrill.

  17. Could of been a hacker,possibly the devil,(THE DEVIL IS EVIL!),malware,I think the devil did it,or simply software tampering (INCREASE SECURItY!!)thats so freaky

  18. I watched The vid on youtube and at around the 1:28 mark i see a flash frame of a picture and i tried to get alook of it i couldnt pause it at the right time but im glad i couldnt i knew that i didn't want to see what they were of

  19. Fucking Woah. I hate my friend for making me read this now. I feel.. So scared right now, I'm in his basement in the dark alone x_x I don't think I'm gonna be able to fall asleep now. That's honestly the most scariest story. It painted the most detailed picture in my mind. :( Jesus Christ help my soul.. squiddy is an hero.

  20. I love creepy stuff, and this totall worked
    I shit my pants

  21. The first time I read this, I got a little over half way through and had to stop. However, I didn't realize there was a picture so when I went to scroll down I saw that and it scared the $#!% out of me!

    I also had my brother and his friend read this (they are the not-afraid-of-anything middle school types) and even they were literally running out of the house with a baseball bat halfway through. Now just to bug him I'll randomly say in this really demonic voice, "DO IT!!"

  22. The answer lies in Zalgo... Google search Zalgo if you want to know why this exists He waits behind the wall, He comes... Zalgo

  23. Poor Squidward =( Honestly Ive alwyas liked him as a character and dont like to see him booed.

  24. yeah theres a youtube clip saying its real footage of it, and theres a flash in it, but i happen to pause it by coincidence right when it flashed all that happends is it changes to black and white, its not real footage, the real footage aint on internet

  25. Sorry to burst your bubble anonymous guy.. But i managed to pause the thing at the right time at 1:28 and its just the picture upside down.

  26. Hey somebody post the url for the video.

  27. That's pretty darn freaky! How did your brain posses the ability to come up with such a story?! =s

    1. I don't think there is anybody with a brain messed up enough out there to make this up...

      I'm sleeping with my pocket knife by my side tonight, if only to give me the illusion that I'll sleep well if I'm armed.

      I'm in a brightly light room, with other people in it, and with my back against the wall, and I'm creeped out.

  28. ... Holy Fuck, That Picture Of Squidward Is fucking demonic. Creepy Ass Story Bro.

    1. DEMONIC!!! Thats more than JUST demonic!!! O_o

  29. Omg ... I wanna see the video ... can somebody post the URL

  30. The person who wrote this made me into a Squidward fan I think he really need a girlfriend.

    To the sick fuck who made the episode thank you for making my night.

  31. .. The detail in this 'story' is incredible, which makes me beg the question, did this really happen?
    people are very capable of making this kind of stuff up.
    I read the story and saw the picture and I didn't find this scary at all.
    But kudos to the writer for the excellent creative writing skills.

  32. I was scared until i saw the picture....

  33. I'll be honest here...

    This scared the living colours outta me. I was one of the first-halfers with the picture too. Waited for the sunrise to completely see it, and even now I think I'll have problems when the night falls.
    Amazing writing skills, and a nice time jumping clichés, such as "I was alone in the dark when it happened", etc.


  34. im scared to death right now i dont think i'll be able to sleep tonight

    1. Creepy when I was reading this I heard a loud bang outside and a creepy oldman face on TV

  35. You guys are wusses.

    1. This was building up tension. It really was. But, it turned into a gorefest. "Squidward's Suicide" is a disappointment to the Creepypasta Community.

    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_y-dL80mwI

  36. is this actually true? i want to see the video on youtube but im scared shit to do so at night. what do you think actually happened to the clip of squidward?

  37. I don't believe the story, It's a false rumor. I think some sick fuck thought of this and drew a disturbed picture, and made a meme. But lets say this fucked up story is true, I think Satan has someting to do with this. I am still creeped out though, I can take but this really made a det in me.

  38. In case your wondering, I saw Squidward's Suicide on Youtube and it is just two minutes of that picture. It is very creepy but is nothing more than a picture with screeches in the backround. Also, I love Spongebob and the accuracy of the episode titles and such were very impressive. I do have to say that this is DELICIOUS!!! but it isn't the best. My personal favorite is on the REAL creepypasta and it is called Chemical. It is one of my favorites and you should read it! I hope CP lives!!!

  39. Good God, this kept me up til 6 last night, and for some reason I felt compelled to come back and look again. That picture nearly made me shit my pants! I want to tell my friends about this but they might laugh since it's, you know, Spongebob-related. To the original author, scary story bro, and good night.

  40. I don't think it's true because if something like that was placed on a Spongebob tape and the police were involved, I'm sure they wouldn't have given up on finding those kids.

  41. What is this I don't even...

  42. Here, if you guys thought the pic was scary read this and then look again

    Doesnt it look like squidward has lazer eyes, Wait I should make tha tpic fire its lazorgs. Plus the noise sounds like chewbacca taking a dump while charlie sheen laughs into a microphone. The child pics... well maybe pedo bear was involved? I dont know...

  43. Thats pretty disgusting

  44. Where/ What is the youtube link fr the 2 minute video (where you found the screen shot?)

  45. I just heard about this today and I have to say "holy fuck". I was shaking while reading this. I want to see the video now out of shear morbid curiosity.

  46. The video was taken off of YouTube two years ago for it's graphic and frightning content.

  47. I enjoyed the story quite a lot and it is most definitely one of the better ones...

    But seriously people if the picture actually scares you then you must be the type of person who shits their pants out of fright when watching vinnie the pooh -.-''

    While i doubt the legitimacy of this story quite a lot (would love to be proven otherwise) i would really like to see the video in question as its been a while since i have had a good scare...

    And no the video is on youtube and it is about 2 minutes of the picture here with 2 flashes where none of the flashes are actually gory in nature.

    one is just the picture upside down and the other one just looked like the picture in negative colors and mirrored...

  48. I would love it if someone brought a news article or some link if this is true (and its plausable) I would be sooooo happy.

  49. Words don't scare me. Videos, sounds, and pictures do. I'd love to see the actual video. But until then, this wasn't even the least bit frightening to me.

  50. Cool story bro :-bd

  51. "Mr hillenburg was obviously angry about it"

    Aizen :"Just as planned"

  52. This Kept me up all night, not just me, but my 19 year old brother too! I think the sick mind at nickelodeon studios actually experiences things like this in real life and then see if he'll do something like this again... Going back and reading this makes me creeped out AGAIN! Even the picture of it creeps me out! I want to throw my Computer across the room and cry! Oh my god....

  53. You guys have to be fuking kiddin' me! No way the picture is scary! I actually haven't got scared, neither from the history or the picture. C'me on! You guys are pussyes ¬_¬ Ok, just joking. You are not pussyes, but you can't be serious that this pic actually scared you... Can you? The videos is a bit scary although.

  54. I think I just shit myself...

  55. it sure isn't a scary pic i even played staring contest with it
    (and it lots WOO!)

  56. I'll admit, the picture was a little silly, but that story scared me shitless.

  57. thats kind of fuck holy thats creepy

  58. That was lame. If this was real, the Intern would've posted this all over the place, they'd have sold their story for millions.
    The videos on Youtube suck, the picture sucks... And the story didn't phase me.

  59. I always knew there was something not quite right about that bloody quid.....i mean come on he looks like he would kill babies and take pictures of it......why would noone believe me :(

  60. The curtains just make it more scary,and its also kinda creepy that the studio guys didn't know what happend...

  61. ok, the story was great. The photo, easily photoshopped, and not scary

  62. It makes my balls itch.

    -- Xenocideophile

  63. Honestly, the story was a great hair-raiser, and not only does the picture scare you senseless, but it also brings the terror to the breaking point.

  64. what is everyone on about? you guyS are actually scared by an effin cartoon? i spose the only real scary bit of all of this is the dead kids. but there again kids die all the time. one every five mins is the statistic in africa i think and ill be damned if three all starving to death. this story, is bollocks, and all you saps who 'stayed awake all night' cos you were to scared to sleep? grow up, or grow a pair. i laughed all the way through this shit.

    1. oh my dont u deserve a praise for tht. Its the story that scarred some, the thought of a serial killer doing that to kids not the thought that kids die but how...

    2. It's the story that's scary. And it's not so much the fact that the kids died (though that does play a factor), but the sadistic cruelty of the person who killed them, and the fact that they took pictures of the corpses suggest a psychopathic serial killer.

  65. This story just RUINED my childhood.

  66. Even if it is just a rip-off of Smile.jpg, the picture is fucking scary.

  67. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wiQgfcjrd4

  68. oh my god...as i read, i literally shivered. and even worse, the lights went out...i started to cry

  69. FUCK THIS! if you are really scared of a spongebob squarepants character....

  70. "Apparently, there was an actual 2min clip of Squiddy's Suicide on Youtube, and this is a screencap of it." For the video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx4rpK05v_w&feature=related

  71. for you guys who are freaked out by this,AND if yo u have facebook,look at damnlols pictures,they are hilarious and cheered me up after this :)

  72. I'm spooked,but not scared to the point where I would have nightmares forever


  74. I cannot commment on this as I am right now having a staring contest with Squidward.

  75. Oh My God. Ok, I'd just like to say that me and my friends are HUGE CP Fans and this literally scared us shitless. I kid you not, we were scared when we read this. Now we are currently trying to find the video... but by your description, this is horrifying.

  76. If the story scared you, watch the video...


    Holy F**K!

  77. Wow, It makes you wonder what sort of person makes something soo sick, and actually thinks it's ok. The story and the video, made me almost scream. I love scary stories and movies but this is taking it way to far...

    1. Is the video really scary dose it show the dead children cuz i dont wana see that ill end up crying...but im a little ceriouse i would like to veiw the epsiode but is it creepy like On a scale from 1-10?

  78. I think it was done pretty well. If I had glanced over the story it would not have scared me, but when I read something I read it smoothly from start to finish as much as possible. It basically puts me in the story to the point it is like watching a dream when the writing is done well, so yeah, it scared the fuck out of me for a bit. Yay for intense imagination!

  79. I was unaffected, it's not creepy or scary to me. And now my boyfriend calls me weird! >.<

    (how ever I didn't like it either...)

  80. Here Is The Actual Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldnWyy-nnOU

  81. There Is No Dead Kids Unless You Look At Every Frame A Millisecond Apart So Abit Hard But There Might Not Be Any Dead Kids Unless Your Sick Enough To Look At Dead Kids Anyway Unless Your Curious It IS Weird May Scare The Living Elmo Out Of You.You Have Been Warned http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldnWyy-nnOU

  82. When I first looked at this picture, it didn't creep me out that much. But after I started reading the story, I'm terrified of the picture!!!

    1. I had that same reaction with Smile Dog. Saw the picture and didn't know what it was. Learned the story and google imaged it late at night. *shudders*

  83. I hav to admite creepy but honsley if squidward did commit suside i woulnt be surprised,he seems faintly misrable,this isnt rally creepy i think its a bunch of BS but wat ever

  84. My cousin can relate to this... She helped create the Pokemon pearl games and something like this happened to her and the other game makers she told me everything I was just fuckin creeped out.ssooo what happens is that there was this one cave in the game that my sister found while adding some details to the settings and stuff and what was wierd is that none she knew in the staff you might saw said putting it their. So my cousin and the others after making a game card decided to play it and check it out. They entered the cave and the cave is normal like another cave but theirs this old guy standing in the center. He walks up to you and challenges you to a battle. The Pokemon he has are incredibly gruesome. All three of his Pokemon are bloodied up and have limbs dangling of there bodies hanging of threads of flesh. They also have no faces but my cousin told me the music added to the battle is this sort of scratchy violin with quite screaming in the background.also this man is undefeatable. After he defeats he just grabs you and drags you down theses stone steps and then the screen turns black. Than after a couple seconds it says game over and f you look closely in the background you'll see the old guy eating your intestines and your face has just vanished too. Bbbuuuttt I got to say this squidward thing is creepier than what my cousin encountered but they found the guy behind it thank goodness!


  86. I read this and saw the picture, thankfully i saw it before in some player made room i found in a video game, that was when i began searching for the origin of the picture.

  87. That is some real fucking creepy shit

  88. Could anyone here post another original video of Squidward's death. All of the videos we're deleted in youtube. Maybe you can change the video name in uploading.

  89. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  90. This is stuipdddddddddd how could they not know who the kids were . FAAAAKEEE AS BITCH

  91. I do believe those pictures are real....and people or someone is capable if popping eyes and intenstines out...jack the ripper did it...ugh...people are so sick....

  92. Don't have the gut to watch the video.

  93. Omfg, im a huge fan of horror movies and this disturbed the hell out of me. I wont be sleeping for a.while.

  94. youtube doesnt have it anymore.. how do i watch it? i cant believe something unless i see for myself

  95. Oh my fucking god...my computer tends to lag and freeze a lot, so I was trying to scroll down and it wouldn't scroll, then suddenly when it caught up the fucking picture popped up and stared into my FUCKING SOUL. Then I screamed and tried to scroll down but it froze on it so I slammed my laptop shut...definitely won't be sleeping for quite some time.

  96. THE PIC is not scary at all, I've seen scarier, ppl find this nervewracking but I've watched and read many, many creepy-pastas in my life. I still can't believe I'm only 9 and I'm not scared of creepypastas! :) (no bragging intended)

  97. Picture isn't scary and this is fake the guy that made the cartoon was put in prison so there is no way he wrote this
