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Friday, August 20, 2010

Peripheral Vision

Have you ever gotten a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye? A simple movement caught in your peripheral vision. Most will simply dismiss this as a shadow brought about by a flickering candle, or perhaps a pet jumping down from a piece of furniture. Ninety-nine out of a hundred times, these people are right.

But then there's that one elusive sight. It can easily be explained by the above conditions, but something feels wrong about it. A chill down your spine, a slight pain in your side. Maybe even a complete blanking of your mind, only to recede moments later.

Should any of these symptoms be felt, there may be cause for worry. Our peripheral vision is designed to catch motion, even in the dark. This was used to defend against predators in our early days, and as with many aspects of our human nature, it has remained, but weakened.

This view out of the corner of our eyes still alerts us to danger, and although predators have dropped on the list of dangers we may face today, they still exist. Should you ever feel that queer chill in your back, try not to focus on that shadow you saw in the corner of your eye. It might be better not to see.


  1. I've actually had something like this happen to me, only the shadow appeared right in front of me. I might write something up about the few instances I had with that thing and the dream that followed a few months later.

  2. this happens to me a lot, too, but it is followed by small black outs(you know black spots, hazy vision?) and a ringing in my ears 0.0

  3. I agree with the anon above. ^

  4. All of this happens to me (even what is on the comments). I already passed out in my bedroom and awoke in my dining room eating my fucking dinner! And I couldn't remember a thing since I was in my bedroom. Holly freaking shit!

  5. Well I read The story + everyones stuff and it's happened to me before too but I've never blacked out yet. If u actually are really truly seeing something then maybe it's better to not show fear or to instead, face it.

  6. i honestly think its just the imagination running rampant. if media and everything didn't have all this hype about zombies and ghosts etc, would you really be scared? if you didn't know what ghosts or whatever existed, completely ignorant to supernatural horrifying things, would you still get that chill? my honest opinion, is no.

  7. And even before i read this I keep the peripheral vision part of my eye usually covered by my hand. If i ever do see something it usually is something

  8. This has happened to me as well. I've blanked out before, but it was only for a few minutes. When I 'awoke', I was sitting on my bed, reading CreepyPasta. When previously I had been chatting with friends on Facebook. It creeped me the hell out.

  9. I see stuff to even when i was little. From the corner of my eye it always scared me because nothing is there, btw my house has paranormal stuff happen in it.
    This is true, i am not kidding

  10. matt. I still see you.

  11. I see something like this, I've been seeing it for a few years now. I have focused on it, it looks like a dog of some kind, but it has a certain, feel to it.
